Legend of the Sneaker! BOUND AND DESECRATED FTW!

May 08, 2010 16:54

It's been a long, long time! And I've missed you all so very much.

Legend of the Sneaker Presents: Bound and Desecrated: SNEAKER FTW

Bound: Everybody Got Issues.

Having killed all their sisters, the Sisters of the Dark have levelled up, or something, so they can finally shake off that annoying Nicci.

Feeling somewhat abandoned and therefore a deep, unresolved need for unrequited love, Nicci decides to adopt Kahlan.

Richard decides to take his new potential mother in law out for a spin. Things don’t go very well for them.

Also, Sisters of the Light? Way stupid when it comes to rapists. Just sayin.

Rather more importantly, the rest of the gang get to hang with Kahlan’s father, who is just a barrel of laughs.

Trying to straighten everything out, Kahlan gets to hang out with her real mother.

Everything turns out more or less okay when Nicci is healed by the POWAR OF LUV.

Creator: Let's waste an Oscar Nominated actress!

The next thing that happens is that God comes to earth in human form. This seems sort of familiar but I can’t work out why.

God is sort of preoccupied with everything that’s already happened. This is incredibly boring, so here are some pictures of cats spooning.

Desecrated: Possession + Tombs = Everyone Happy

Next, a wizard summons an EVIL MUMMY at Richard’s birthday party. The mummy turns out to be even more of a pooper than Cara.

All anyone really cares about is that Kahlan and Cara get some alone time.

It turns out that Kahlan’s many lessons in ~feelings~ have finally paid off.

Luckily, Richard shows up at the last minute.

Then, they all have to band together to fight the EVIL MUMMY, who as it turns out is Zedd in disguise.

Everything turns out okay! The gang continue on their totally phitt way, seeking whatever it is they’re seeking.

Season One: In the Name of the Bling of Truth!
Season Two: In the Name of Total Phittness! 
Torn: Totally Ripped, yo! (including ICONS!)
The Very Hungry Princess 
Bound and Desecrated FTW! (with added lolcats)  

crack, legend of the seeker, picspam sort of, tv, legend of the sneaker

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