Deadwood? Deadwood! Deadwood.

Oct 11, 2009 19:07

So I'm kinda everywhere at the moment, but mostly I'm in Deadwood. No seriously. I haven't slept properly in a week, I've been mainlining Deadwood in every direction. I want to be there. I feel like I have been. I watched the whole thing with the same feeling I used to have about BSG (before it betrayed me by becoming just a TV show). I feel like what I'm watching is real. Oh, I know that it's not, I'm not delusional, but the direction, the writing, the way I feel about the characters, I feel like I'm watching a world inside the screen.

Instead of thinking 'I wish they would write more Jane into this episode,' I'm thinking 'I wish we could see what Jane is up to.'

Did you know there's no fandom? No fandom. Well, a scattering of Seth/Sol fics and a couple of Alma or Trixie-centic vids and a few nice icons here and there but no fandom now and no Jane or Jane/Joanie fandom which is the problem. Because that's all that I want, really.

Did nobody else love Jane like I did? Am I the only one for whom the Jane/Joanie stuff was heartbreaking and beautiful and overwhelming and... ONLY 15 MINUTES LONG. Omg. The last season is about ten hours long. You can fit all of the Jane/Joanie relationship, fist kiss to cancellation, into two short youtube videos. I hate this.

I hate being a shipper. I wish I could live and die by something other than fictional romances.*

But when you get right down to it... I've developed a weird thing for Calamity Jane.

Not just the Deadwood version, also the Doris Day Calamity Jane musical one. Which is femslashy up the whoa. I'm very tempted to recut my own version of that film so that Calam and Katie end up together... although I really dislike Katie and actually like the Bill/Jane dynamic. But I would have to take out all the condescending 'Look how real women behave! You silly jealous female.' stuff, because that's horrible.

I include the real Calamity Jane in my love for her.

I'm going to make videos. I really, really need to make a general Deadwood vid to 'The Deadwood Stage' from Calamity Jane. Just so I can have footage of Al slittin' throats against the line 'just as busy as a fizzy sasprilli'.

Sorry for the long, rambly post. I'm kinda a hooplehead :P

*But not actual honsest-to-god genre Romances. I have no idea why, but the mere ideas of those really bores me. Scares me, in fact!

deadwood, femslash, tv, calamity jane

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