Apr 18, 2008 14:17
So last week, as a birthday present for me, my grandmother and sister came round to help clean out my garden and plant plants, which was awesome. Anyway, we cleared out the entire garden of about six bags of rubbish and quite a bit of old wood/corrygated plastic (oh the back fence is about a billion times better!), because whoever had had the flat before we did basically just let the garden rot - not mention I'm sure upstairs have been chucking rubbish out of their windows into it. But now it's beautiful!
The problem: The binmen haven't been for three weeks. And upstairs just happened to be having a clear-out the same time as we were (we can blame spring for this), so the front garden? Full of crap. Garden rubbish, wood, household rubbish, rolls of linoleum, an old hatstand, broken toys, boxes of slippers, broken glass; you name it, we got it rotting by our front gate.
Harringey council are telling us we have created an environmental hazard, and that we are lowing the appeal of the neighbourhood (All by ourselves? Aw, shucks, do we have to take all the credit for that one? You flatter us.) and that they are going to fine us big and bad and soon. And... we can barely make rent, feed ourselves and get back and forward to college as it is...
On the plus side... we have kittens. So. Much. Yay.