Yesterday, Choir in the morning was actually pretty fun, because I got to bug Richard a lot. :D He thinks I'm completely insane. Which is fine, since I probably am. He got his own car, and it's so cool *0* Small, but really nice. I wanted to ask if I could ride in it, but that would be weird since his sister is my friend and is in my grade. She'll probably think I like him or something, lol. And that would be awkward, since I don't. At least, I don't think so ;___; I HOPE NOT.
But, he's actually my "type," I think. >_____> He teases me a lot, lol. Asshole ): I think I secretly like to be teased though. As long as it's not the mean kind? That would be explain my extreme hyperness during choir. He, Corbin, and Panda Bear always gang up on me and tickle/poke me. Damn them. Anyways, even though he teases me, he's really sweet. A few weeks back, during that week that was just plain horrible, I ended up crying after school one time, in front of Camille. That's the first time I've cried in front of a high school friend, argh, it was embarrassing T___T Richard saw me in the hallway and he called my name, but I just kept walking because I didn't want to be seen crying DX But I had to go to choir after, and he was there. He asked me what was wrong and if I needed a hug. ;____; SO SWEET. He gives really good hugs btw. Yeah. Erm. Oh, and he pats me a lot. On my cheek or head. I like being patted.
But today, I think something bad happened. He was normal in the morning, but then when I was walking through a hallway at lunchtime, I heard some grade 12 girls say, "Yeah, and Richard was crying! Can you imagine that??" And I totally FROZE, and turned around to look at them. There's only one Richard in grade 12, I'm pretty sure. And one of the girls who was saying this, is really right friends with the girl that Richard is supposedly going to prom with (my friend Chelsea's sister). ;___;...
I decided I would try to find him later, to see if he was okay. I was with Chelsea when I saw him, and she said hi, and all he said was "hey" and walked off. Which is very unlike him ;o; Then at the end of school, I saw him again; he was a couple people in front of me walking down the hallway where the grade 9 lockers are. I totally pushed through people to get to him lol, but then his sister said hi to me, and I figured it would be weird if I tackled her brother right in front of her >______> BUT ARGH, I regret it now, he actually did look really upset ): I want to know what's wrong! I want to ask if he needs a hug, and pat him, too! ;___________; I'm so intimidated by people older than me. But I'm going to ask him if he's okay tomorrow. If he even goes to choir D:
Also, apparently Corbin used to have a crush on me. LOL. He told my brother, who told me. um, awkwardddd. He said he was going to ask me out, but didn't, because he was scared of my brother. Finally that child is useful :< That would've been weird though. >______>; Good thing he didn't.
And.. apparently, Ryan still likes me. I think I referred to him as "R" in my old journal. Eep, he liked me back in September/October, it's been like half a year T___T.. He told me back in February he maybe liked Camille now, so I played matchmaker for like a week before I got tired of it, lol. It was just getting better between us too, after everything that happened with that other guy and blahblahblah. Chelsea asked him who he liked, and he said it was between me and Camille. LOL I don't understand how guys can have crushes on like 3 different girls at the same time? But I really do like Ryan as a friend, and lately he's been like, avoiding me. Like, he'll know I'm there 'cause I see him looking at me but he doesn't usually say anything. So I've been trying to say hi and start conversations. I guess it's working okay. ): This is so confusing.