
Jul 20, 2011 10:49

Weatherbug says it's on forty-some percent humidity. I don't believe them. I'm already short of breath and it's only 10:30.

So far I've driven David to school (we missed the bus), put a load of laundry in the dryer and another in the washer, fed and watered the chickens and gathered eggs, and loaded and run the dishwasher. Now I'm up in my lovely airconditioned bedroom contemplating breakfast. I fixed myself a bowl of Greek yogurt with oats & things, but I'm having trouble convincing myself to eat it. Yogurt should be reasonably easy on my stomach, though.

I feel lousy. Perimenopause sucks.

David and I are going to be holing up in the bedroom when he comes home from school, although I plan on making forays out to get stuff done. I had wanted to make a concentrated push to get stuff done in the cool of the morning, but 1) there is no cool of the morning, and 2) I feel lousy.

There. Done with breakfast. Next foray out, I put away clean dishes and make more Stomach Soother tea, as well as a pitcher of lemonade for David. But right now I am reclining and guiltily enjoying the coolth.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

40%+ humidity, kvetching, housework, 80+ degrees, via ljapp

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