
Jul 06, 2011 08:43


I'm up, I'm dressed, I have breakfast (a bowl of Greek yogurt, raisins, pepitas, and honey), David's off to school, and I am contemplating my day. I'm almost caught up on the dishes, so after I toggle the laundry, I shall set to work on getting that squared away, and then I'll deal with the kitchen floor.

1. Finish breakfast
2. Load & run dishwasher with dairy dishes
3. Fold laundry in dryer and throw in more *
4. Put away clean dishes
5. Hand wash fleishig & pareve dishes
6. Tidy up middle floor
7. Wash kitchen floor
8. Change litterboxes and take out trash
9. Give downstairs bathroom a once-over
10. Ditto upstairs bathroom
11. Take folded laundry upstairs for sorting
12. If time, start sorting laundry, if not, get David from bus and break for lunch

It's nice getting up in the morning feeling like I could actually accomplish something for once. I've been in a funk for over a week. Possibly the quasi-Buddhist meditation I did last night to clear my mind helped. **

OK, finished writing the footnotes, it's 08:41, and time to get moving.


*. I usually hang out laundry and it's a perfect drying day today, but due to circumstances beyond my control, one end of my laundry line is no longer attached to the ground.

**. Only quasi- because I don't actually know all that much about Buddhist meditation, just that one is supposed to still one's thoughts and that sometimes a mantra helps. I ran through a couple, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep with Alan Rickman telling me to clear my mind (and I haven't even seen that movie yet).


09:45. Done through #4. Now for some dishwasing…

11:03. Done #5, working on #6-7.

11:36. #6 and #9 done for now, now for #7, 8, 10. *whew*

12:10. Laundry sorted, #10 and #11 done, all I need to do is change catboxes, get David from the bus, eat lunch, and SHOWER!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

70+ degrees, sunny, housework, via ljapp

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