More journal-y than I sometimes am

Oct 04, 2006 12:52

So I'm doing a lot better since my last "major" entry. I think getting over fresher's flu was a MAJOR help in my happiness levels. I still feel a little bit like I'm not the most popular person but... I'm not the least popular person, and hey, since when has anyone ever thought I'm like uber-cool *eyeroll*


On saturday we all got up late and in the afternoon we did a flat trip into Norwich on the bus. We basically traipsed around the shops for around ooh, 4 hours, and my sole purchase was a webcam. Though that is really fun, muchos loving it. In the evening most of the flat went to the Fresher's bash (shiela's wheels are not actually australian, crap singers and generally rubbish entertainment. not entirely sure why I paid £8.50 to find this out) which was... ok. The flat got a bit separated out, and in the end Alan and I spent a fair amount of time just chatting which was cool, he's a nice guy :) And a male feminist, woot! But yeah, it was a bit lame, but not too bad, I guess.


Sunday = uber lazy day. Aww soo nice. Loooong lie in, did nothing all day and then in the evening meandered down to the Union Pub for the Pub Quiz. Sadly that was crap (too.fucking.slow) but then we came back, and played card games in the flat (extreme snap! spoons! cheat! chase the ace! being a student rocks :P)


Monday is like one of my busiest days of the week. At 12 I had an 'Imagining America' lecture which... well, it wasn't the most thrilling I've been to so far. I mean, it was interesting, but I thought the lecturer was a little bland. And she also dropped a bombshell about reading: apparently we were meant to telepathically know to look on the bloody confusing faculty website to find out this week's reading. Of course. And she was all "and you must do it before the seminar" which I had at 2. Hahahaha. Yeah so that so didnt happen.

The seminar was a lot better though, and my seminar guy is actually my academic advisor as well and it turns out his awesome/ cool and somebody I could actually go to (I think). So I am therefore happy. Though I think Imagining America may be a bit tough. I dunno. I dont have the textbooks that cost me £60 yet (they be arriving with my dad on Saturday) so as of yet I am blissfully unaware of how much I may/ may not need to panic about it. The essay titles look hard though. GRRR. Oh and I only have to pass really well (quite well at any rate) this year if I want to go to America. No pressure then!

Also: the amount of times I've been warned about plagarism, the scary plagarism scanners etc makes me feel like I'm plagarising already. I'm SCARED I WILL ACCIDENTALLY PLAGARISE AND THEN MY LIFE WILL BE RUINED. Gawd, they are such scare-mongerers. Not impressed.

Anyway, I then had ANOTHER lecture at 5, which was Lit in History. Which I pretty much enjoyed. The main lecturer guy is FANTASTIC. But on Monday it was just a "Welcome!" type thing so it wasn't all that thrilling. Plus it was at FIVE. That's just wrong!

In the evening I went to the first meeting of Litsoc: it was meant to be a whole pub crawl thing but we (Alan and I) only went to the first bit in the Union Bar as we were having a belated birthday party for Den back at the flat. But, it was really really nice. Fun people from all years, going to watch Pride and Prejudice next Wednesday, and it can be lit-y or not as people like. Which is nice... more a social club than a serious Lit group but that's what I was looking for. Plus I think if theres a demand the organisers have lots of ideas for things to do so I think it will be good :)

And then it was the belated birthday party: Basically Den turned 19 earlier on in September so the flat decided to throw a birthday party now: with balloons, banners, cake... everything! It was really nice actually, and another example of how my flat is pretty damn cool in many ways.


Another busy day. At 12 I had another Lit in History lecture which is where I entirely spazzed out in geeky love. Seriously. The lecturer (whose name I can never remember) is so awesome. We were doing Donne 'The Cananozation' and he just gave it levels and fun and interesting-ness and precisely what I wanted out of doing literature at university. And yeah, other people from my flat felt the same (Miranda, Alan) so it made me all "YAY IM WITH LIT GEEKS THIS IS THE AWESOMESS AWESOME". Yeah.

Then at 2 I had a film studies lecture/ screening. We watched "Letter from an Unknown Woman" which I personally enjoyed but other people didn't seem too impressed by. I'm easily amused, I guess, and damnit, I like doomed romances and deludeness and the cheesiness of classic hollywood. The notetaking in pitch black was interesting, especially as I didn't real know what I was "meant" to be looking for, but I got a typed side of A4 out of it so there you go.

In the evening I was incredibly boring and hermitted. I didn't even notice the others going out down the pub (lol). Not really too pissed off about that (though an invitation would've been nice) as it was down to a misunderstanding (they thought I was working- which I was but y'know I was convincable) and apparently it was a bit of shit evening anyway.


I had a 10 o'clock lecture this morning. Too. Fucking. Early. Especially when I got woken by a text message at 7.30 Grr. Anyway, this was a follow-up Film Studies lecture from yesterday and... I actually understood some of it. Whee, I understood something film-y. Yay :P I then finally navigated my way to the post room, did some shopping on campus and then came back to the flat, ate lunch... and that brings us to now. I think I'm gonna go read Romeo and Juliet and maybe nap a bit.

This post has probably been over long and boring but hey, sometimes I like to chronicle my life's minutae.

uni, lectures, life

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