I'm boooored, and I've only just woken up. LMAO. Anyway, I thought I'd do that icon meme, thats been flying round my flist.
1. Default:
It used to match my old layout. I kinda tend to do that with my default because yeah. Buuuut, I dunno, I might stop doing that *shrug*
2. Oldest:
I think this is infact is the oldest, though you can't tell from the upload order. I'm always uploading/ deleting / reuploading. I'm fickle!
3. Newest:
I watched Eternal Sunshine again, and I looove it its so pretty. Hence, icons. Yeah I pretty much like this one.
4. Saddest:
Sobbing! Cos your mummy has a brain tumour! Having to keep it sekrit from your fake!sister! Rilo Kiley in pain lyrics! Yeah, it don't get much sadder than that, and I have a lot of sad/ angsty icons
5. Happiest:
Aww, happy blue stripes and cute little downard looking smile. KB is purty
6. Angriest:
I don't really do anger in icons (though I totally should start, non?) but I use this quite a lot when I'm angry/ annoyed
7. Cutest:
crackers4jenn. Awww, woeful puppet!angel. There should be nobody who doesn't go "AWWWWW" at that
8. Sexiest:
peopleareshapes. Thats 9 whole squares of sex-ay
9. Most Humorous:
Well, it amuses me, at any rate. Plus... moment I fell in love with Firefly/ Wash/ Joss Whedon (ok I was already in love with him, but still).
10. Favorite 'ship:
Cack icon, but beautiful 'ship
11. Favorite fandom:
Well, Buffy is my favourite overall fandom but VM is the current top dog. So.
12. Most used:
I reckon over the course its been this one. Everyone always seems to think its OMWF. Its not. That's not really the point, but uhm yeah. Shes pretty and with books and a lil sad AND THATS me. Kinda. *shifty*
13. Favorite I've made:
I don't really do colour well, that generally, but I actually think this works. I like it, at any rate.
14. Favorite(s) by someone else:
rapeicons ||
ktastic_icons ||
rapeiconsThese are just three of the many great icons by people not me that are in my userpics, and tbh, they're all way more stellar than me ;)
15. Favorite of the moment:
Happy pretty colours, yum.
16. Favorite overall:
Dude, there are too many favourites here. Oh. my. god. Just whacked in another random I'm proud of.
17. How many icons do you have total?
18. How many can you have?
19. If you could buy more space, would you?
Nah... like many, 50 felt too limiting for me, and then 100 seems impossible to fill sensibly.
20. Do your icons make a statement about you?
Err, maybe? I dunno that my icons would really give an accurate picture of me. But maybe a vague general idea. I don't know
21. What fandom do you have the most icons of?
I can't be arsed to count but... probably VM, currently
22. What 'ship do you have the most icons of?
Ha, I don't really have 'shippy icons... Err, either Wes/Fred or Duncan/Veronica... Ooh or maybe Willow/Oz. In fact breifly glancing I think those all have 2 each.
23. How do you categorize your icons?
By fandom
24. Are your icons made mostly by other users?
Nope, the majority are by me
25. Do you make icons?
26. Are they any good?
Eh, they're alright.
27. Animated icons are...
Out to get me
28. In general I think icons...
Sometimes overrated, taken to seriously etc etc but generally just good all fun and pretty in a teeny little box
Real update... later? Tomorrow? We'll see :)