In this darkest hour, we declare our strategic goals - to stop the aggression against Ukraine and create a free, rule of law based, federal Russia. To do this, we consider it necessary to strengthen the coordination of our actions. We declare our commitment to the following fundamental positions:
1. The war against Ukraine is criminal. Russian troops must be withdrawn from all occupied territories. The internationally recognized borders of Russia must be restored; war criminals must be brought to justice and the victims of aggression must be compensated.
2. Putin's regime is illegitimate and criminal. Therefore, it must be liquidated. We see Russia as a country in which the individual freedoms and rights are guaranteed, in which the usurpation of state power is excluded.
3. The implementation of imperial policy within Russia and abroad is unacceptable.
4. Political prisoners in Russia and prisoners of war must be released, forcibly displaced persons must be allowed to return home, and abducted Ukrainian children must be returned to Ukraine.
5. We express our solidarity with those Russians who, despite the brutal repressions, have the courage to speak up from anti-Putin and anti-war positions, and with those tens of millions who refuse to participate in the crimes of the Putin’s regime.
The signatories of the Declaration share the values of a democratic society, respectful communication, recognize human rights and freedoms, the principles of diversity and equal rights, rejection of discrimination.
The signatories refrain from public conflicts in the democratic and anti-war movements.
We call on the citizens of Russia to join this Declaration.
We commit to uphold this Declaration until our common strategic goals are achieved.
April 30, 2023
The Declaration might be signed here:декларация-российских-демократических-сил