Apr 13, 2012 01:09

Title: Mood Swings
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: G
Genre: crack, MPREG
Warning/s: yaoi,language
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: Drabble; Complete, 200W
Summary: Is Sungmin simply getting fat or......?

"Kyu?" Sungmin's voice was cautious as he eyed his belly.

"Hmmm?" Kyuhyun hummed to let the elder know that he was listening.

"Do you think I'm getting fat?" Sungmin tilted his head to the side, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Kyuhyun went near the elder and placed a hand on his belly, rubbing small circles on it as Sungmin pouted. "Yeah. A little. But that's okay since you've been eating quite a lot lately. That's normal."

"Are you saying I'm gluttonous!?" Sungmin all but shrieked, angry scowl in place.

"Wha-at? No! That's not what I said!" Kyuhyun defended himself.

"That's what it sounded like!" Sungmin continued to be mad, never mind that it was over something as petty as this.

"Jeez. Why the sudden mood swing? You sound as if you're..." Kyuhyun stopped when he felt a kick from where his hand was still situated on top of Sungmin's belly. Sungmin must have felt it too for his scowl immediately smoothened as it was replaced by shock. "...pregnant," the both of them said simultaneously - eyes locking on each other for a moment before Sungmin shrieked a second time when Kyuhyun suddenly collapsed on the floor.

Oh man. They are sure in for a bumpy ride.


rating: g, genre: mpreg, pairing: kyumin, genre: crack, verse: alternate

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