Back from cosplaying at SFU.
I have this to say:
XD That was SO FRICKIN AWESOME! I had so much fun and met so many awesome people (Full-Metal Midget = <3)! I love anime meet-ups because everyone there is so friendly and nice! Despite the fact that Rhia and I didn't know ANYONE, we had a lot of fun. And there
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And I only saw the top part of one of the images. No doubt, were I to more than glance across even one of those, it would create an effect similar to that of goatse on one who has never seen it before. Goatse, only it invovles hitler in some way, and tentacles.
All with sound, and a screamer. Now, even that lengthy analogy does not adequately describe the mental anguish I am experiencing. Were I to be left alone in a small, dark, damp room, where the walls are covered in barbed barbs ad infinitum, forced to forever endure the gross sexual advances of Brain Peppers, it would be, compared to the fate of actually seeing your visceral heresy, like simultaneously recieving all of Microsoft's stock and being orally pleasured by several lolis and shotas.
Right now, I am seeing the bottom part of the last picture - grass. However, even that is subliminally tainted by cosplay, and induces caustinc shudder-vomit fits, which burn the mangled remains of my human host's face. Were it your intention to permanently scar me, you would need do naught but simply know me, at any point in time. That being said, the next time we meet in the corporeal world, prepare to be met with a blush and a giggle-smirk, and, were you to simply read to the BOTTOM LINE, I welcome your TL;DR's with open arms, and beseech you to flay me alive, in a vain attempt to mute the trauma I've just endured.
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