"Two Small Words" (Yugioh, YamixYugi, #43)

Aug 16, 2007 10:52

Title: Two Small words
Author: Chey
Pairing: YamixYugi
Fandom: Yugioh
Rating: G for fluff.
Theme: #43 “Sometimes someone can say something so small and meaningful that it manages to fit right into that empty space in your heart.”
Summary: Yugi gets a letter from Yami, but only the final two words at the end of it really matter. Very short little ficlet.

Love, Yami.

He ended his letter that way.

Love, Yami.

Yugi re-read those two simple words over twenty times and every time he did, his heart leapt in his chest. The rest of the letter was simple and straightforward, as Yami often was. Hello, how are you, I’m fine, Egypt’s been great, coming home soon, so on and so forth.  Yet Yugi couldn’t have cared less about the rest of the letter, because Yami had signed it, “Love, Yami.”

He had never signed a letter that way before.

Yugi knew he was overreacting. Really overreacting. Yami probably didn’t mean anything by it, or if he did, certainly not what Yugi was taking it as. Probably he’d signed all his letters to his friends that way.

And yet, Yugi couldn’t help smiling, giggling even, and hugging the letter to his chest, and felt his heart thumping hard inside of him. Those little words had changed everything. He had awoken that day feeling normal, and now everything had changed. He no longer felt ‘normal.’

He felt complete.

rating: g, story type: one-shot, pairing: yami/yugi, fanfiction: yugioh, writing challenge: 50_lovequotes, genre: fluff

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