a real nightmare

May 14, 2011 20:47

I generally have to listen to the people next door when I sleep. It's rowhousing so I hear the occasional word, or the tv. Last night I heard music; loud music. And around midnight they went out on the back deck to talk loudly and drunkenly in French. I tried to ignore it and went to sleep. Sometime around 3am I woke up and the music was still playing, but shortly after I heard slamming, and then the screaming started. Now, I don't know French but I know anger and it was loud and it was scary. All I understood was the occasional "what the fuck?" and other variations. And there was yelling, and and banging, and doors slamming and then when he left out the back door the two left inside started yelling at each other.

I felt like a kid listening to their parents argue and I tried to hide in my blankets and ignore them, but I was worried someone was going to hurt someone. I told Tyler and he said to ignore it, it happens.

It was a long night.
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