So first off I'd like to say how disappointed I am with MYSELF at HOW I HAVE WRITTEN ANYTHING IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS. Just been so busy and hit the ground running that I haven't really thought about posting. But now that its conference week, well lets just say I HAVE A SHIT LOAD OF FREE TIME :DDDD
Anyway so lets get straight to the good stuff, the moment this LJ about geeking out and spazzing has been waiting for.
Its Tenshi's FIRST EVER COMIC CON!!!!!
Overall I had so much fun, and have begun to learn the ways of being a nerd. I have compiled a series of lessons I have learned that will serve me well (and many others) at the next NYCC. So here is my experience outlined over the 3 days I was there.
I got the 3 day pass but technically I only took advantage of 2 of the days because I seriously couldn't miss studio on Friday. So i got there at 6, lined up for the IGN Free Sh1t panel for about an hour... and STILL didn't get in... Ballz.
NYCC LESSON #1: If you want it bad, LINE UP FOR IT EARLY. Like... REALLY early. Like... be-ready-to-sacrifice-half-a-day EARLY.
So Saturday was my "first day". So i wanted to attend the DC Justice League panel (for the comics) so i thought "Okay, I'll just get there at 10 and see what happens." I got in line and was greeted by this:
Well at least I had fun counting how many overweight superheroes there were. I went dressed as Knives Chau and was ecstatic every time I saw a Scott Pilgrim crew. In turn, I was happy when people shouted out OMG ITS KNIVES CHAU. So besides the numerous fat Captain Americas there were, I catch a glimpse at some of my favorite characters in the line.
So after going through 6 turn-arounds, I headed up to the exhibition hall. A noob like me had no idea what to expect. It was 11 o'clock so a good amount of people had gotten in. And this was my face we I got a good first look at the show floor:
Needless to say, it was a sensory overload. Hovering cars, Square Enix, Marvel, DC. I seriously didn't know where to start. So I ran through and out of the hall before my brain exploded from sensory overload, and lined up for the DC Justice League panel. This was a pretty huge thing since Jim Lee, Geoff Williams and lot of other people from the New 52 came to talk. It started to drag after a while, but the pages they sneak peek-ed were AWESOME.
Here's one of Flash pwning Superman (when Green Lanturn calls him in).
"And here's Aquaman: The world's worst superhero" - Jim Lee. When your creator even says your crap, that means something.
She's hot. I'd tap that.
I couldn't stop squealing like a little girl when I saw Flash.
More Flash! The artwork is friggin' ORGASMIC
If you haven't noticed yet. I like Flash. <3
So after Flash flashed by, I walked out of the panel and explored the floor. And met some awesome people along the way.
Probably my favorite SP group I shot with. We had a squeal session then took the picture :)
Sonic screwdriver YOUR FACE.
Mr. T. With a gold bazooka. Who could ask for more.
I then decided to head up to the Anime Artist floor. Guess what was the first thing I saw.
"Scott Pilgrim is dating a 17 year old?" ... Apparenlty 17 just makes the cut.
I was blown away by this Glados. And her character was SPOT ON.
Wheatley and Chell... DAWWWHHH. Just DAWWWWWW.
You seriously do NOT understand how happy i was to see these two. They weren't together, but they sure as hell did an AWESOME job. Catherine gamers unite! AND FOR THE LAST TIME ITS NOT A PORN GAME!
NYCC LESSON #2: DON'T LEAVE YOUR SHIT LYING AROUND. Srsly. Mostly just don't hold onto them seperately from your bags. You WILL forget them (or at least I will). Why am i restating this fundamental lesson?
So I bought like $16 worth of stuff, including the last copy of this poster:
AWESOME I KNOW RIGHT???? Well i lost it T_T. My stupid absent mindedness found myself leaving that poster out in the open along with a couple of postcards I had bought too. Thank god I put those pins separately in my bag.
But I'm definitely planning to re-order the Aster poster, just because this thing is too epic NOT to own. This, and several of the buttons you will see below are created by the lovely
teaat2am. You should check our her
tumblr and stuff. Its like... Marvel and DC love all around.
Speaking of DC...
So my roommate couldn't come to Comic Con, so i wanted to get something for her. She was a bit of a Wonder Woman fan and while looking art the Artist Alley I came across
Matt Doering. I love his style and his work is amazing. He had quite a bit of DC stuff, but no Wonder Woman. Luckily he said he always wanted to draw her so I commissioned him to do a sketch of the hero with my roomie in it. Below is the final product.
Thats my roomie hanging out in the Wonder Woman's invisi-jet. Needless to say, this was amazing.
I bought some other prints of his too on the last day and some Christmas Cards:
Adorable work and i look forward to seeing more of his stuff in the future, especially in animation seeing as his characters are so alive.
Now for awkward segueway into the next NYCC lesson.
NYCC LESSON #3: Pack light. Have one small bag with the essentials and bring a larger bag to put all the shit you buy in. Especially if you're cosplaying and you aren't going with a friend/group of friends who are doing the photography, you need to have minimal baggage to take off when someone wants to get a picture. I've wasted a good 5 minutes trying to get various bags off around my neck everytime someone wanted a picture. Knives was very distressed. D:
So I walked out of Saturday with my bags full of crap and guess who i found UP IN THE RAFTERS outside of the building.
Honestly, the most epic pose ever. They had some ballz to be up there before the guards chased them out.
There was one objective to Sunday and one only: ADVENTURE TIME.
Its ironic how I actually didn't take any adventure time pictures on this day, mostly because it was like... Finn and Fionna bonanza. But have some A.T. pics from previous days :)
Okay now that we've got that settled, lets just talk about the epicness of the actual panel. . Taking heed of what happened on Friday. I literally woke up at 6 that morning and ran over to line up as so as I was let in. I was absolutely terrified I wasn't going to get in because they started trickling people and saying they were going over capacity, but we got a seat. Anyway. It was a joint Adventure Time / Regular Show panel, so basically it was TWO TIMES THE EPICNESS. Along with Pen Ward, Tom Kenny (Ice King + 100 billion other people you've heard on TV) and Jeremy Shada (Finn) were also there. I think i have a crush on Jeremy because he's such a cutie and a sweetheart. If he weren't working behind the mic he'd surely be a teen-heartthrob (Then again, he already is amongst us nerds :D). And Tom Kenny was well... Tom Kenny in all his glory. Him and Tara Strong are like, my 2 big idols. One day...
And of course being a joint Regular Show Panel there were plenty of OOOOOOOOHHHH moments in the audience.
I decided to be a hipster and yell HHUUUMMMMMMMMUUUUSSSSSS. Unfortunately no one joined in. Oh well.
So the panel ended and I tried to get Jeremy Shada and Tom Kenny to sign some stuff, but unfortunately evil security decided to shove them away before I got the chance. I wasn't worried about Pendleton because he had a signing later at 3:30.
Seeing the humongous crowd (and many more) that had gathered for the panel, I figured the line wasn't going to be short for Pen's signing. So taking head of NYCC LESSON #1 prepared to sacrifice the rest of Sunday's con and line up for Pen's Booth at 12:00. Boy was I right. The line had already started to wrap around the booth and only 15 minutes after I sat down the line had extended all across the exhibition floor to the point that the volunteers didn't know where to put them o_o.
3 hours of waiting must suck right? Not if you heed this next lesson.
So I happen to sit down in line next to a NYCC volunteer and fellow Adventure Time fan. We had a great talk about Comic Con itself, life, and ourselves in general. He even watched my stuff for me when i needed to go to the bathroom and do some last minute pin shopping (knowing the show floor would close in like half an hour after i got out of the signing). Needless to say, talking and getting to know people is also. Thank you Mike for making that probably the most fulfilling 3 hours in line ever :).
Here is the end product of that 3 hour line wait. Needless to say, it was totally worth it.
I asked for a doodle of Marceline and Beemo jamming, and he happily complied :). I think I mumbled cuz he ended up drawing Marceline and Bubblegum jamming. Well, EVEN BETTER. :DDDDD
I got him to do the doodle on the Macaroni Grill table cloth from the family dinner
abitsober and I had together. Our (well mostly HER) Adventure Time doodles juxtaposed against Pen Ward's epicness... ITS. SO BEAUTIFUL :DDDD
So with one hour left I went running around picking up stuff I still wanted to see, show floors and all.
A VERY legit Axel. Swords, Sais, Rings... I envy anyone who makes very convincing props.
"Is she gonna geek out on us?... I mean... i want her to geek out on us..." Steven Stills: The Talent. And this one legitly was playing Sex-Bob-Bomb songs. Knives got sparkly eyes
Yaya, this amazing cosplayer was at the con and had her booth. I was a huge fan of her stuff (her
Mulan Cosplay is my favorite). I was already out of money so i couldn't buy some of the awesome wings and cat ears she had made, but it was great to get a picture with her!
Check this woman out!
Are you my mumm-... BAAAAAM. Sucker punch.
Bought even more stuff today. Here's what my empty wallet gave fruit to.
Finally my wall is less naked! Just saying, everything up there was bought/gotten at Comic Con. Except for the Star Wars poster.
So with a bag full of pins, posters, and love, I skipped happily home from the Astor Place Station. As the adorable little Knives Chau frolicked passed the dark street lights, flowers and hearts and rainbows and...
Don't get any closer!!!
NYCC LESSON #5: Always be prepared for a zombie apocalypse... Alwa-