gdmusumeci has gone away for the weekend to be a responsible family member, so I have been left alone at home. Bwahaha.
Today? I cleaned. And ran errands. And spent time with lovely people for tea. And actually remembered to eat on my own. But most of all, I made pie.
Well, I should say "I am making pie," as the pie is still in the oven. But I figure I can report on the quality of the pie, as I am currently eating the sugar roses made of the left-over pie dough.
It's... not bad. I used the really basic Joy of Cooking recipe, the one that just has flour and shortening and salt and water. It's... okay. It probably would have been much improved by a) cleaning the cutting board before I put the dough down on it (well, I did wipe it down, but I didn't scrub) and b) not using the butter that we moved out of the butter holder in the fridge because that's where we keep the garlic and it was making everything taste funny.
I actually think the problem may be the distinct lack of sugar in the crust, although I doubt it'll need it with the filling in. (I probably should have used more cinnamon sugar on the roses.) Next time I might use the Pate Sucre'e recipe instead, although I'll have to see, since I've currently produced a pie with only 3/4 c. sugar for the entire thing, which has to be the healthiest dessert pie going.
On the up side, it's flaky as hell, which I suppose is a good thing. Now we just have to see how it survives the oven, and whether my theory that I can *totally* just sub out whatever spices we don't own for "pumpkin pie spice" in equal measure has any merit at all. (I rather fear I may be about to produce a swirl pie, since I scraped quite a bit of sugar and goop out of the bottom of the mixing bowl and just kind of dumped it in.)
I suspect my rather slapdash approach to cooking is where my "if you put all tasty things in and don't burn them, you get something tasty out" theory came from. Luckily for me, it really does mostly work that way. Also,
cadhla is coming over tomorrow (I think), so I'll be able to handily dispose of the extra 13 oz. of pumpkin. Alternatively, I may go the store and buy nuts and chocolate chips and make
this instead, although I'd be 2 oz. short on pumpkin. Bet I can make it up with a little cup-thing of applesauce, though, and I like those. (WTF is that about, anyway? Every pie recipe ever calls for 2 c., so why does pumpkin come in 15 and 29 oz. cans?)
This pie is a testament to the marketing people at my local Lucky store -- they put the pumpkin and the canned cranberries right next to the "cinnamon scented pine cones" and my hind brain is just dumb that way. Fortunately, I like pie and cranberries.