(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 10:10

Work has officially gotten dull. Not much I can do about that, since I suppose that is the world of entry level office positions. But as a receptionist, you're basically just supposed to "be" there in case anything happens, and to be the recipient of all the tasks no one else has time/wants to do.

Thus I have resorted to blogging. Not here, of course. This has kind of become my blog to rant about more personal stuff. Instead, I've started two new blogs on Blogspot, in order to have a sort of "professional" page, should I start to expand into the freelance writing market.

The first blog is blogging about how I've started doing yoga. Probably not terribly interesting to most of you, but its mainly for the purpose of recording my observations and a way for me to learn about what I'm doing instead of just doing it. Focused research basically. I may turn it into a full-on site, not just a blog, but I'm going to wait until I have enough content.

I've started doing yoga, by the way :) Its a good type of exercise for me, since it doesn't activate my allergy to aerobic exercise, but still challenges my body enough to start to tone things. Plus the super-posh Yaletown Yoga is near enough to work that I can grab classes right after work. I feel so freakin' yuppie it kind of annoys me, but the tension in my jaw that indicates subconscious anxiety is back, and the only way to combat it is to attempt stress reducing things. I just started the hot yoga again this week, and I think after a month of doing it once a week, I'm already going to be on my way to being more fit that I've started. I swear, after one class I notice a difference. And last night, I got the best sleep I've had in weeks, so if that requires me being kind of yuppie and beating my body to a pulp once a week in hot yoga, so be it.

My second blog I just started today. I was reading the BBC, and found a really great description of parents losing sleep. And it reminded me that I always get annoyed when I find a great phrase or description and I hve no where to write it down. Thus, I started the blog "Turn Of Phrase", which is going to be dedicated to good phrases I encounter in usually non-quoted sources, like newspapers and non fiction things. Or new fiction. Basically, I find that most quote sources come from philosophers, comedians, musicians, and so-called Great Writers. And while I may include a few of those, I will probably stick to stuff I read in more everyday sources.

That's really it for now. The two addresses, should any of you care to read them, are:
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