Apr 14, 2007 01:15
So the number 3 at the justice department, the woman that resigned over the attorney firings, Monica Goodling has some amazing credentials. Apparently this woman, charged with overseeing all 93 US attorneys at the ripe old age of 33 got her law degree at Regent University School of Law. This a a tier 4 school, the lowest tier in national rankings, founded by none other than Pat Robertson! You know him, the televangelist that said Hurricane Katrina was punishment for gays in New Orleans and that Ariel Sherons Stroke was gods smite for giving the holy land to the non-believers. Fabulous! Currently 150 high level White House jobs under the bush administration are occupied by graduates of Regent University School of Law.
By the way, the lawyer Monica Goodling hired after taking the 5th to keep her ass out of jail over the firings, he went to Emory!