Hello, Homogenized Culture

Aug 19, 2008 15:16

Hello, homogenized culture.
I don't like you here in my home but I suppose I'm here in yours, so I very well can't avoid you.

Why is everything turning into Starbucks?
Oh, sure, they're all somewhat different. But at their hearts, what's so different? It's sterile, it's mediocre, and though I'm sure you little nits would like to think otherwise, it's not edgy. It's not countering any culture, it's just embracing a sidestream that's just as big and filthy as your oft-despised mainstream. It's the same water.

I'm not supporting the mainstream. I'm not supporting the sidestreams. I'm going to stand where they part and connect and are one and stand my ground. I'm fighting the water here. And I may not succeed.
Going with an alternate path but still letting the water lead you is still letting it control you.

Whether you know it or not, when you commit to a label, you convince yourself that things you don't hold true are true.

Cast that aside.
Think for yourselves, you motherfuckers. It isn't illegal yet. But the way you act, it may as well be.
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