Well, I did something that had to be done. Not something I was particularly looking forward to. Or something I ever thought I would be doing. Especially, this way.
He wouldn't pick up the phone, again. So I left a message.
I had promised myself that moving here would be a good thing. That I would be happy. So much has happened and it's no one's fault, but still I haven't been happy for some time.
Over two and a half months ago, he disappeared. About a month ago he came back. Three weeks ago, he kicked me out. In almost three months, I've spent about two weeks with him. And when I was, I did all I could and walked on eggshells. I'm not that strong.
I told him, I'd always be there for him and I will be, however, not as his boyfriend. He has to get over Bakura before that can happen.
Am I happy now? No. Can I find happiness? There's only one way to find out. Stick my chin out, after all the crying and move on. Find myself and do the best that I can with who I am.
After the cruise, I will get my stuff, if there's anything left. Hopefully, Yuugi has taken most of it to storage.
Life really sucks right now. But... it's still going, so it can't stay that bad forever, right?
On a positive note, I'm all packed and ready to go.