Fic: "Trust" (Ten II / Rose / Alt!Jack, PG-13)

Jul 18, 2009 19:59

Title: Trust (1/1)
Author: aibhinn
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ten II / Rose / Alt!Jack
Spoilers: None, if you know how Journey's End turns out.
Summary: Why was it so hard for this Jack to ask to join them, when the other universe's Jack would've jumped at the chance? Direct sequel to Join Us. (Link goes to part 1 of that fic.)
Disclaimer: Except for Alt!Jack, nothing is mine. I promise to put Auntie Beeb's toys away nicely when I'm done.
Author's Note: One of the requests I heard a lot was wanting to know more about alt!Jack's backstory. He decided to talk to me the other day, and this is the result. Many thanks to canaana for her beta-fu.

Jack sat on the train, half-listening to the hum of the runners ghosting over the magnets on the track and trying not to notice the way his stomach was twisting itself into knots. His Time Agency uniform ensured he was left alone, for which he was grateful. He couldn't wait to get to his lovers' house, and yet, part of him dreaded it-dreaded asking the question and waiting for the answer.

What if they said no?

No, no, no, they won't, said a cheerful voice in the back of his head-the one that had got him through school with honors, through training with style, and safely off the battlefield covered in glory, not blood. They love you, and you love them. You know that, even if no-one's ever said the words. Besides, you wouldn't be doing this if you really thought they didn't want to.

That cheerful voice had never been wrong before in all his twenty-five years, so he forced his inner pessimist to shut up as he fingered the little velvet box in his pocket, with its three matching rings-one for each of the people he hoped to make his partners, another for himself. Of course they'd say yes. After all, they'd been together as a triad for months now. Maybe they could have a commitment ceremony in the spring, when the cherry trees in the Arboretum were in bloom . . . .

He lost himself in dreams as the train carried him closer to the people he loved.


He didn't expect the laughter.

"Oh, dear," Abby said, looking down at him as he knelt at their feet, rings earnestly outstretched. She smiled, not the beautiful, sultry smile he loved so much, but an indulgent smile-the sort she might give a child. She turned to Chad, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear. "Isn't he just too sweet for words, darling?" Chad grinned, and she went on, "Come on, Jack, get up from there. You look ridiculous."

Jack felt a flush rise up his cheeks. "I-but-" Ridiculous? The sharp sting of tears prickled the backs of his eyes. "No, you don't understand. I love you. Both of you!"

Her husband-the other partner Jack had hoped to have-chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder. "'Course you do. But you didn't think any of this was serious, did you? Just fun and games, mate, that's all." He stood and pulled Jack to his feet, pressing himself against him. "Lots of fun," he murmured. "And I know more than a few games."

Jack pushed away, a bit more violently than he'd intended. They both looked startled. "Fun?" he repeated. A huge lump was forming in his throat; it made it hard to talk. "Games? Was that all this was?"

Abby looked confused. "Of course," she said, as if he'd asked, Do you think the sky will be blue today?

Jack's stomach roiled. Everything, he'd given them everything, and they hadn't even noticed. Hadn't even cared. "So I'm what to you? A toy?"

Chad's jaw set. "Look, mate," he said. "I'm sorry you didn't get it, but we never made any promises, all right? It was just a fling, just a bit of fun. You didn't really think we'd get into anything serious with a kid just out of Basic, did you?"

Jack's heart felt like it was being ripped apart. He thought he might throw up with the pain of it. "Right," he said, forcing the words through his thick throat. "Right. Sorry I embarrassed you." He bolted for the door and out into the hallway, running for the stairs rather than waiting for the lift. Abby's voice followed him, but he didn't stop.

The cool air of the early evening struck him as he pushed open the door onto the street, and he took a deep shaky breath, desperately holding back the tears. I told you so, the pessimist voice said silently. Never trust. Never believe.

No, he answered just as silently. Never again.


"Jack? Jack! Wake up!"

He startled awake, tense and ready to fight or run, until he recognised the face that bent over him, the halo of blonde hair that surrounded it. Rose. "What is it?" he asked, sitting up. "Did Torchwood call looking for me?" He glanced over to his other side and saw the Doctor was awake as well, propped on an elbow and looking at him with those dark, fathoms-deep eyes.

"No," Rose said. She shifted into a seated position as well, and reached out to touch his cheek. Her finger came away sparkling with wetness. "You were crying."

"I was?" He reached up to swipe his hands over his face. Sure enough, they were damp. Shit. "Oh," he said, as if it were nothing. "Sorry. Hope I didn't wake you."

"Want to talk about it?" That was the Doctor. "I know a bit about nightmares. Sometimes just telling someone helps."

"Pot calling kettle," Rose teased him. "How long did I have to work to get you to talk to me about yours?"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Then this is proof you got through to me, isn't it?"

Though he knew he was safe here, between the two of them, and though they'd already agreed to make an attempt at a serious relationship with the three of them, Jack still felt vaguely ill at the couple-like banter; it made him feel even more like an outsider, though he knew-well, hoped-that wasn't what they intended. "I don't remember what it was," he lied. "Vague stuff. Running through hallways, chased by something I can't see-that kind of thing. Stress, probably."

"Probably," Rose agreed. She ran a finger over his bicep. "Think you can go back to sleep now? Or would some stress relief help?"

"Yes," Jack said to the last part, and reached for her, drawing her into his lap for a kiss. Distraction, that was what he needed-anything to keep the memories at bay. She relaxed into him, humming with pleasure as he skimmed his fingertips over her bare back. The mattress shifted, and then the Doctor's warm hand slid into his hair, caressing.

Rose broke the kiss only to nibble her way down Jack's neck, and he opened his eyes to find the Doctor staring straight at him, a look of compassion on his face.

"We're not going anywhere," the Doctor said quietly.

Taken aback-how had he known?-Jack felt tears threaten again, but he blinked them away. "I know," he said, just as quietly.

"We love you, Jack," Rose said into his ear, before she took the lobe between her teeth and bit, very gently.

Jack closed his eyes and, hesitantly, let himself believe it.

ten ii, angst, rose, one-shot, alt!jack, ten ii/rose/jack, doctor who

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