*Dusts off the journal*

Aug 17, 2011 15:57

Uh. Hi? I've been sort of--well, VERY, if I'm honest--absent from LJ for some time, but I really need to get back here. Really. Not least because this is going to be a crazy year, and I'm going to need SOMETHING to keep me sane.

As of the end of last year, I was slated to teach 3 sections of 7th grade math (called "Math 70") and one two-hour section of remedial 8th grade math (a curriculum called "Ramp-Up to Algebra.")

By early July, this had changed to one section of Math 70 and two, two-hour sections of Ramp-Up. (Which, by the way, until this year was a SEVENTH-grade curriculum, and which a good portion of the currently-enrolled students also took LAST YEAR.)

The last week of July, I got a phone call: Please would I take one class of 7th-grade Comm. Arts (English)?


Look, I loved English as a kid. It was by far my favorite class. It was my major. I got a five on the AP Humanities test, for crying out loud. But in my five years as an English teacher, I discovered something that is really pretty obvious:


It's very difficult for me to understand how kids have trouble in English class, because it's so stinking easy for me. It's almost instinctive, most of it. That's one of the MAJOR reasons why I jumped at the chance to teach math: *I* struggled at it, so it makes it easier for me to see where *others* can struggle at it. (And it's a LOT more work to teach English... I can't pretend that's not part of it.) I've now taught math for seven years. That's seven years without even GLANCING at the English curriculum, or standards, or anything else. SEVEN YEARS.

Understandably, I've been stressing rather a lot over this. Partly because I can see myself doing a ton of work this year, but mostly because I just don't think I'd do as well for the students in English. But being me, I knew I was going to work my ass off trying to make sure students got the best I could manage... and I'd be exhausted all year long. I was NOT looking forward to this year because of that.

However, I got some GREAT news today: It's looking like I won't have to teach English after all. I'll get my Math 70 back! WOOHOO! Dodged a SERIOUS bullet with that one. *wipes brow* Whoo.

BUT. You know how when you dodge one thing, you sometimes put yourself into the path of something else?

Yeah. I'm now math department head.

Now, this isn't really so much more work than I'd originally planned for: I was already working with some other teachers on test data and preparation for the MSP (our big state test) for this year; basically, I've given myself an extra meeting a week and the responsibility to lead the dep't meetings, not just attend them. It's WAY less work than the English class. Thank GOD.

So maybe I'll have more time to write? *G*


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