Tag! I'm it!

Jul 27, 2009 18:54

Okay, I've been tagged for this meme by flossiepots, whose current job in life is to make every teacher in her ken utterly miserable. (Kidding. I'm kidding.)

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
All right. I tag larielromeniel, dameruth, canaana, callme_al01, dark_aegis, wendymr, ginamak, and jesidres.

1. Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Does my cat count? Actually, she usually sleeps under the bed.

2. Have you ever fancied a cartoon?
Um. Lion-O when I was about 10. *hides face*

3. What are you reading right now?
Hot Six, by Janet Evanovich; The Anodyne Necklace, by Martha Grimes; and Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos by Gary Russell.

4. What's your occupation?
Math teacher, 7th grade.

5. What do you hate right now?
Uncut spoilers. People who think they're entitled to--well, anything, really. Ninety-one-fricken-degree weather.

6. Who is your celebrity crush?
David Tennant is always top of the list, but I think Dulé Hill is climbing as well. And Richard Schiff is growing on me.

7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
In fandom? Crossing over Firefly with Doctor Who.

8. What are you listening to right now?
The fan of my window a/c unit. That's the only reason I'm at home, and not hiding out in a library, right now. (It's 90F/33C in most of my apartment right now, but it's only 77F/25C in my bedroom, thanks to that lovely fan and the freon coolant that's causing it to blow cool air.)

9. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
Strawberry smoothies. Barbecued short ribs. Red Robin fries.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
My browser automatically opens Gmail and LJ.

11. What are you going to do next year?
Get a job in the UK, run into David Tennant accidentally, and conduct a whirlwind affair with him that ends in our marriage. If I get right on that, there might be time in the next year to at least get pregnant with his baby, too.

12. What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
My sister's puppy, Webster. (Okay, that was yesterday, but he's currently the cutest thing in my world.)

13. Does the weather affect your mood?
Hell yes. Hot sunny days depress the hell out of me. I want rain. A slow, steady rain, temps between 60 and 65F, and a good movie on television.

14. What is your favourite type of cheese?

15. Do you want to learn another language?
Ya hablo un poco de Español. Quizá podría aprender más. ¡Sería interesante! ("I already speak a little Spanish. Maybe I could learn more. It would be interesting!")

16. 5 things you can't live without.
Books, internet, family, kitty, writing.

17. If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
David Tennant! Okay, that was a gimme answer. Um. Paul Cornell, or Russell T. Davies. I want to learn more about breaking into screenwriting.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Hey, God? This insanely-hot-temperature thing? Yeah. We've had enough, please.

19. What are you looking forward to?
Moving overseas. (If I do. Please, please, please.)

20. What did you dream last night?
I don't honestly remember, which is weird, because I usually remember at least part of my dream.


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