Title: Ulysses (1/?)
aibhinnRating: PG-13
Characters: Rose, Jack, Ten (will end up OT3).
Spoilers: DW Journey's End, TW Children of Earth, and all aired Firefly canon, including episodes and the movie Serenity.
dameruth and
canaana, though I did some editing after I got it back from them, so if I messed it up, it's not their fault!
Summary: After the death of the blue-suited Doctor, an immortal Rose uses the dimension cannon to teleport herself back into her home universe. Or should that be 'Verse? Crossover with Joss Whedon's Firefly.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. I promise to put everything back where I found it.
Author's Note: The title refers to the poem of the same name by Tennyson, an online version of which can be found
here. I know, I know, it's another WIP, but this one grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and refused to let go.
Follow this link to the story!