Cleaning, furniture, writing, and choices

Sep 03, 2006 16:17

Straightened up & dusted my living room after church today, then went out to lunch with some friends, then came back home and, with the help of said friends, did a little minor re-arrangement of the living room. Basically, I switched the sofa & loveseat around, which may not sound like much, but it leaves room for the recliner my mom's going to give me. Cheer for recliner! I've got a nice open spot just waiting for it. Meantime, the sofa is in the spot directly across from the TV, which makes it REALLY comfortable to sit sideways on the sofa and watch TV. Stretched out at full-length. And did I mention that it's long enough for me to actually *sleep* on if I decide to take a nap?

I dunno if I'll have the ambition to actually finish the cleaning stuff tomorrow--for reasons that totally escape me, I'm pretty wiped right now--but even the little bit that I've done looks nice. I'm pleased. :)

Got a good bit of writing done yesterday, too, though still nothing to do with what I actually had *planned*. Silly characters want to take over. :P But it works, and is actually plotty and everything (well, doesn't sound like it is, but it is), so I can't be too upset, I guess. I think the chapters of Adventure are going to end up having to be considerably longer than they have been, just to keep this from becoming a 25-chapter monstrosity. The Doctor Who fandom seems to prefer its fics a little shorter than the HP fandom does--not so many epics--so I'm trying to keep that in mind.

I'm trying to decide whether I want to continue listening to classical music and do some writing, or turn off the classical music and watch freckle porn Blackpool. Choices, choices.

home, friends, writing

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