AHS Exchange Award Voting!!

Aug 10, 2012 13:22


You have FIVE DAYS to vote on the stories. Please have your votes submitted by Tuesday August 14th, 11:59pm pst. so the fabulous mod has time to get all the pretty banners labelled for the winners. (Someone needs to remind her to MAKE the banners too btw. If you're chatting with her... ask her if she's done and beat her with a noodle if she isn't. Thx.)

If you can't vote in the poll because you don't have a livejournal account, please reply to this screened post - stating clearly who is doing the nominating in your comment - no Anonymous voting will be accepted. (Note: If you have an LJ you have to actually follow the community to vote in the poll)

Modly Rules to Remember:
♥ Don't vote for yourself
♥ Don't tell anyone which story is yours
♥ Vote in the poll or via comments to this screened post before August 14th 11:59pm pst

Poll 2 AHS Exchange Awards

The last two polls are Text Polls so you will see the nominations below each poll.
You will need to push submit for each poll separately.

Poll 2AHS Awards Moments

Favourite Violate Moment Selections:

Make War 1 - Violet killing Gabe. Everything from where she laughs after shooting him in the gut to killing him.

Free Like The Birds 1 - ʺPromise me that you won't leave me behind,ʺ Violet whispers against his chest, her words broken as she cries. / His heart almost breaks at her sadness. He decides then that he'd do anything for this girl. / I promise.

Jungianism - Smut scene between Tate and Violet with breath play.

Tatemae, Honne - Tate playing the guitar at the end.

Free Like The Birds 2 - Tate holds Violet after ghosts have permanently disappeared from the house. She tells him that she still loves him but Tate doesn't know how to respond because he doesn't remember what they had. ʺI am afraid of leaving you behind. I always thought I'd have forever to tell you that I love you, that I forgive you, that I need you but now with everyone slowly disappearing, I am afraid that I left it all too late,ʺ Violet tells him.

Tate sighs as he pulls her closer to him. He doesn't know what to say in response. There was a time that he thinks her words would have meant everything to him. But now, although they're pleasant for him to hear, he's not desperate to have her love or forgiveness. Maybe it's because he doesn't know why he would need them so much.ʺ

Make War 2 - Tate showing up @ midnight wet and bloody and Violet taking care of him and then of course every naught thing that follows after that.

Forgotten Love - “I remember you.” Violet whispered, her mouth hanging open for a second as she examined the plains of his perfect face, his messy blonde hair, his rumpled clothing. “I remember you.” She said again, leaning her forehead against his. “Tate. You’re Tate. And I’m Violet.”

Bide Your Time - Tate waiting for Violet to be together on their second Halloween as ghosts.

Poll 2AHS Awards Lines

Favourite Line Selections:

Lonely Boy & Fire Girl - 1994. I got completely fucked on coke, lit my mom’s boyfriend on fire, and shot 15 kids at Westfield. Do you want me to leave?” She must have been terrified. Tate tends to forget what’s acceptable to say in a conversation with someone you just met.

Tatemae, Honne 1 - A part of him doesn't want to want her. He's psychotic and no good for her, he's absolutely certain, not to mention the fact that her heart still beats while his is just for show. He tries to ignore her, at first. But Violet Harmon won't be ignored, and besides, suppressing his baser wants and desires has never been his strong suit.

Make War - This is what falling down the rabbit hole looks like, sounds like, feels like. “Wonderland,” she sighs, and it doesn’t make any sense at all, but Tate still pops his hips against her and whispers, “Yeah, you are,” in a desperate rasp.

Miss The Misery - “Violet,” he stammers. “What... who...” “Pick a pronoun and go with it.”

I Could Have Changed It All 1 - 'Welcome to the Murder House.' I throw the words back over my shoulder. 'It'll never be yours, but you'll belong to it. Of that, I am certain.'

I Could Have Changed It All 2 - ʺI'm a product of the old south, and we're proactive bitches.ʺ

Tatemae, Honne 2 - ʺI don't want to go to fucking college,ʺ he sneers, using rage to mask the fact that he does want to go to college. Really fucking badly, in fact. The thought of leaving the house and spending hours fucking her in a dorm room in between keeping fingers intertwined as they sit in the back of classrooms, discussing authors and poets with other people that actually give a shit actually sounds pretty fucking incredible.

Coming Home - “Hi?” She phrased her greeting like a question, and that’s something I really couldn’t stand. If I didn’t want Violet so much I’d have happily slammed her locker shut on her neck until it snapped, just to punish her for that goddamn inflection.

Bide Your Time - "You know the bullet point version. First that bastard Larry killed my brother and got away with it and then you dumped me. I was angry. I was high. I may have overreacted."

During this Nominatey and Voting Time you can still participate in the Exchange Guessing Game.

round 2: award voting:

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