AHS Fic Exchange Award Nominations!

Aug 04, 2012 21:15

The last story has been posted and now it's time for Award Nominations!

You have FIVE DAYS to nominate stories. Please have your nominations submitted by Thursday August 9th, 11:59pm PST. so the mod has time to put the voting up. Any nominations received after this will not be accepted.

Respond to this post with your nominations, and don't worry, this post is screened.

If you don't have a livejournal account, please state clearly who is doing the nominating in your comment - no Anonymous nominations without a name will be accepted. You can always email me your nominations as well. (jandjsalmon@gmail.com)

Modly Nominatey Rules to Remember:

♥ Don't nominate or vote for yourself
♥ Don't tell anyone which story is yours
♥ Nominate via comments to this screened post before August 9th 11:59pm PST
♥ Nominate using the following form (copy and paste then fill in the necessary info)

♥ Favourite Story Overall - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Angsty Fic - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Fluffy Fic - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Smutty Fic - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Tate - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Violet - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Non-Violate Character - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Violate Moment - Describe moment/Required Line/paragraph & Title of Story
♥ Favourite Interpretation of the Prompt - Title of Story
♥ Favourite Line - Required the line/paragraph & Title of Story

During this Nominatey and Voting Time you can still participate in the Exchange Guessing Game.

round 2: award nominations, nominations

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