Некий турецкий приспешник заявил только что в одном из блогов буквально следующее: А болгар, сербов и др. турки почем-то не "выезали" за сотни лет пребывания разных нетурецких народов в лоне Оттоманской Порты. С чего им было грузин вырезать?
Послушать этого геббельса, окажется, что болгары и сербы сами себя резали во время своего «мирного пребывания в лоне Османской империи».
Для тех, кто не в курсе (или же страдает добровольной амнезией, хотя уверен, что среди моих друзей таковых нет...):
J. A. MacGahan on Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria: It was a heap of skulls, intermingled with bones from all parts of the human body, skeletons nearly entire and rotting, clothing, human hair and putrid flesh lying there in one foul heap, around which the grass was growing luxuriantly. It emitted a sickening odor, like that of a dead horse, and it was here that the dogs had been seeking a hasty repast when our untimely approach interrupted them. In the midst of this heap, I could distinguish the slight skeleton form, still inclosed in a chemise, the skull wrapped about with a colored handkerchief, and the bony ankles encased in the embroidered footless stockings worn by Bulgarian girls. We looked about us. The ground was strewed with bones in every direction, where the dogs had carried them off to gnaw them at their leisure. At the distance of a hundred yards beneath us lay the town. As seen from our standpoint, it reminded one somewhat of the ruins of Herculaneum and Pompeii.
We looked again at the heap of skulls and skeletons before us, and we observed that they were all small and that the articles of clothing intermingled with them and lying about were all women's apparel. These, then, were all women and girls. From my saddle I counted about a hundred skulls, not including those that were hidden beneath the others in the ghastly heap nor those that were scattered far and wide through the fields. The skulls were nearly all separated from the rest of the bones - the skeletons were nearly all headless. These women had all been beheaded.