So I'm making a five year plan, things that have to happen... Even if I'm not ready for the change. So I'm putting my list on here, somewhere everyone can see it, so everyone can yell at me if I stop making it happen. Okay, here goes nothing. By January First, 2017, this list needs to be completed:
-I need to get my full driver's license.
-I need to apply for BCIT
-I need to tough through my first year of electrician training. |(It'll only get easier from there.)
-Over the course of four years, go through my training and apprenticeship, become a ticketed electrician. (Sadly, I can't speed that one up, it's a four year program.)
-Gain a duel citizenship to the USA.
-Pick a city.
If any of you think anything else should be on my list, kindly suggest them.