Jul 28, 2006 19:54
Hi Peeps, good news. Kristen (my girlie)'s boyfriend's (phil) mom is called Saggy McGrumps. VOOT. Today was the last day of el los campanos. (aka: camp) And although my tears have yet to be shed, I am sad. (OMFG, KRISTEN AND TORI, YOU IS DA SHIT.) camille is amazing as well, but i'll see her next week... and at capa...and she also lives about .234 seconds from me, IT'S ALL GOOD. Anyways, (OUP) i'm at kristen's hizouse, and the only only reason i even got an "ELL-JAY" is becuz MYSPACE is FUCKINGING (kristen: are you dyslexic? me: *makes shakey-hand movement*) we-taw-ded. (no offense to the shawns out there, but you DID molest me) wow, a lot of people reading this would dismiss me as "one of THEM" and to be frank, you probably should... but i'm emily, not frank, so i wouldn't know.
if it had been painful, i wouldn't have come, and so i go.
PEACE OUT. (oh wait, i never mentioned patti. there we go)
this will make you laugh eh?