(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 00:14

Went to the gym, biked an hour while watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (can Bill O'Reilly really be half as crazy as they've been making him out to be?). Then ran a mile in 8 minutes. Technically 8:06, but close enough.

Got back, started im'ing Chris. Brief excerpt:

DrDEWnez: but I've studied so much orgo over the past 2 months I dream about it, and it scares me.
meecrob5: it's not the real orgo experience until you wake up sweating in the middle of the night after dreaming of a grignard sn2'ing your ass

Which reminded me that I haven't quoted my Structure professor from the first day of class yet. We were discussing the yeast cell cycle: G1-S-G2-M (G=gap, S=synthesis of DNA, M=mitosis). His slide said "Coordination of S and M is important and accomplished by CDKs and other pathways." Then he said "We're going to go over S&M in case you don't understand that." It got rather quiet, and everyone burst out laughing. Carey looked a bit sheepish and commented that that was the wrong way to say it.
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