(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 15:15

I just wrote this whole, big (whiny-ass) post and LJ ate it. Wah.

Mostly it just had to do with my realization this afternoon that one cannot go by the Apple Store and pick up "a cheap iPod cover" because, at least at the iPod store, a cheap iPod cover does not exist. It is imaginary. I've discovered an unspoken rule that all items hanging from little display hooks in the iPod store must cost at least $35, or else they do not belong there. And if some necessary item freakishly doesn't cost that much, it will be packaged in a 20-pack so that it does.

Why am I concerned with this? Well, as will be revealed to the world shortly in monanotlisa's LJ, I've been feeling, shall we say, inventive lately, vis a vis my LJ. (And also italic, apparently.) See, I discovered that there actually is a way to make my iTrip work without static, even here in FM-saturated L.A. It's a simple matter of taking the unit and holding it RIGHT UP AGAINST THE FACE OF THE DAMN RADIO, and voila! Static disappears. Of course, the user-friendliness of this technique is debatable. Or should I say, non-existent -- driving while consistently holding your iPod flat against the lower part of your dash ain't my idea of a good time, can I get an amen?

So I've been scheming a way to hang or prop or suspend or WHATEVER the iPod against the radio in that position. I thought maybe I'd grab the afore-mentioned, evidently-imaginary cheap iPod cover from the Apple Store, punch two holes in the sides and shore 'em up with metal grommets (which I have the stuff to do, go me), loop some nice-ish string through 'em and hang it from a dial or something. But no, all covers in store go by the $35 And Up Rule. And you can even buy a dashboard-mounting kind of cover, but 1) The Rule applies and 2), dude, I rigged up something ugly-but-serviceable yesterday outta three rubber bands. So I just can't bring myself to cough up the dough for something you could essentially accomplish with a big wad of gum.

I am not cheap. It's a matter of principle. Really.

So anyway, monanotlisa has spilled the beans on that, photographically, and on other things we did yesterday, since she's here in L.A. We walked around Bergamot Station and were artistic, at least where things were open. We went to the 3rd Street Promenade and toured first the parking garages, then the actual streets. We were unfairly denied entrance to the Camera Obscura, and discussed Senior Citizen herding patterns. We put meat in a bowl and somebody fried it for us. We petted cats and dogs. Then we went to my house and I showed her my ideas for redesigning my RL website, and Mona was so excited I think she only yawned once. ;) Then we watched Jamie punch sharks and fire overly-macho weapons (while Adam giggled like he was 5) on Mythbusters. Then she went back to the cat-filled home of the overly-tired pukajen. There's a cool photolog of it here on Flickr. Mona takes cool pictures.

geek stuff, ljers i've met, rant

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