Feb 04, 2006 23:33
118. My name is: Eliza
117. I was born: October 28, 1989.
116. I am: boringly normal.
115. My eye color is: hazel.
114. My shoe size is: between 5s & 7s.
113. My ring size is: 5.
112. My height is: 5'1.5"- 5'2"
111. My favorite radio station is: Kiss 98.5 or 103.3the Edge, I guess.
110. I am allergic to: goldenrod.
109. I live in: Darien, New York.
108. The last two books I read: Rent, & The Named.
107. My bed is: amazing.
106. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: they're funny when they try to dance.
105. I am glad I'm my sex because: I'm allowed to be cute. (that's right)
104. My best friend is: probably Miss Meta Elizzabeth Hooch.
103. My favorite pajamas are: comfy pants & a tank top/tee shirt..depends on the temperature.
102. The last three CDs I bought: I don't buy cds...Mike burns them for me.
101. Last song that made me cry was: Don't Take The Girl.
100: Current Mood: sleepy.
99. I could not live without: My friends.
98. My most treasured possession is: memories & pictures with my friends.
97. What did you do last night: Hockey game with my hockey whore.
96. The quote that sums it all up for me is: if I had to pick one? -if there's an upside to free falling, it's the chance you give your friends to catch you.
95. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): burn, baby.
Do you believe in ...
94. Santa?: yeah..I mean, no, of course not..
93. Love at first sight?: nope, it's impossible.
92. Luck?: uh huh.
91. Fate? yes.
90. God?: Yes.
89. Aliens?: yes ma'am.
88. Heaven?: of course.
87. Hell?: uh huh.
86. Ghosts?: sure.
85. Horoscopes?: to a point, maybe.
84. Soul mates?: maybe.
-Which is Better?: -
83. hugs or Kisses: why choose?
82. Drunk or High: neither.
81. Phone or Online: in person.
80. Girls/guys with/without hats: guys without, mostly.
79. Blondes or Brunette: Redheads!
78. Night or Day: night.
77. Oranges or Apples: lately, oranges.
76. Curly or Straight hair: straight.
-Here's What I Think About. . . -
75. Abortion? Never.
74. Backstabbers?: exist.
73. Long Distance Relationship?: well, if we're talking 30 minutes? that's not long distance, buddy...but across the country? best of luck.
72: Same sex marriages?: go ahead.
71. Adoption?: yes.
70. Coffee?: actual coffee? no thanks.."coffee drinks" uh huh!
69. Love?: I dunno anymore.
Last time:
68. Took a Shower: this morning.
67. Kissed someone: when Meta left my house, I kissed her cheek..
66. Hugged someone: when Meta left my house.
65. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: tonight at the cafe <33.
64. drove: umm...a couple weeks ago, maybe..
63. screamed: tonight to tell people to shut up for Mike.
62. I always say: w-freakin-F...haha.
61. The ditziest person: other than me? umm..I don't know..I'm such a ditz.
60. The people who make me laugh the most are: Meta, Stach, Lisa, Chuck, Zach, Danny dancing, Matt,haha...I guess I like to laugh. alot.
59. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with?: umm..I don't know.
58. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: boys' stupidity.
57. The last movie I saw in the theatre was: Tristan and Isolde.
56. The thing I don't understand is: Why boys are stupid.
55. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: "No."
54. The one thing I love about the opposite sex: When they hug you & smell good, and when they make me laugh..and when they play guitar for me..
53. This week I am: Going to school. And rehearsals.
52. This summer vacation I am: working in Batavia.
51. Something I will really miss when I leave home: my family and friends.
50. What will you do Tomorrow: going to hockey, cause who watchs the Super Bowl?
49. Today: I woke up & went to rehersal with Meta & danced for 3 hours (trying to learn & then re-teach Danny...ooh boy) & then came home & slept, & then went to the Beacon. <3
48. Next Summer: psh, who plans that far ahead?
47. Next Week: School. rehearsal. sleep? haha, yeah, right.
46 People call me: Liza, Elza, whore (Meta), Flirty, Bill, Za.Za, E, Red...ect..
45. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: I hate talking on phones.
44. The person I have been friends with the longest is: Chuck.
43. The person who is my best (guy/girl) friend: guy-Zach or Chuck, girl-Meta, Stach, & Lisa.
42. The person who knows the most about me is: Meta..then Stach.
41. The person who can read me the best is: depends on if I'm trying to hide something.
40. The most difficult thing to do is: trust someone.
39. I have/haven't not gotten a speeding ticket: never.
38. I have the following siblings: Alex & Jacob.
37. My favorite people are: My friends.
36. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: Steven.
35. The one person who can't hide things from me: Meta.
34. Right now I am talking to: Meta, Linds, & Matt.
33. I have these pets: Wylie & Rusty.
32. I wish I was: living life more fuller & simpler.
31. The worst sound in the world: Nicole Aldinger && Rachel Incorvia singing Will I? <--haha, niice, Meta..
30. The person that makes me cry the most is: myself?
29. The best shoulder to cry on is: I don't cry in front of people.
28. I almost died: tonight when I almost smacked my head on the wall/fire exitisher...haha, people shouldn't do a scary pedifial face when others are in a back bend *coughMikeRomancough*
27. My favorite state?: psh, I don't know.
26. My favorite piece of clothing is: clothing? who wears clothing?: "why do girls wear shirts?" "why do guys wear pants?" "girls in Africa don't wear shirts" "well, Buffalo's a lot colder than Africa" --Konrad, me & Lisa. haha, love it.
25. My favorite sport to play is: I suck at sports, so I rather watch than play.
24. What am I wearing right now is: Jeans, ACTS the musical tee shirt, socks, underwear & a bra? who cares?
23. The schools I went/go : St. John's, Alden.
22. The last person I got pissed off at was: myself.
21. The worst drinking experience I've had was: nonexistant.
20. I am missing: people who live too far away.
19. The last movie I watched was: The Forgotten.
18. Did you like it?: we didn't finish it cause sleep sounded better at the time.
17. The all-time best movie is: ..don't know.
16. The all-time best thing in the world is: friends--> cause best friends are cross-your-heart-and-hope-to-die, good-times-and-bad-times, borrow-anything, tell-you-everything,trust-you-with-their-deepest-darkest-secrets, always-and-forever-friends.
15. This last thing that happened to you: umm..I don't remember..talking to Matt, Linds & Meta..does that count?
14. The most annoying thing ever is: mixed signals.
13. I lose all respect for people who: lie to me.
12. The movies I have cried at are: ummm...barely any.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: physical? my concusion last year.. emotional? umm...yeah..
10. My favorite phrases:"w-freakin-f!" haha."...., bitches!" "go work the day shift at a strip club!" haha. loove yoou..
9. My room is full of: Pictures and mess.
8. My favorite celebrity is: don't know.
7. My favorite cliche is? "Yeah, well, don't knock it till you've tried it."
6. My downfall is?: I'm indesisive...?
5. My weakness is?: good-smelling-cute-boys-who-make-me-laugh-and-play-guitar- and-or-hockey/soccer-and-play-with-my-hair...haha,yeah...I know, right?
4. If you could have anything right now you'd have?: ummm..yeah...
3. I want this to end because?: I want this to end? well...I guess you'd run out questions eventually, right?
2. I filled out 118 questions because? I obviously have nothing else to do at 12.00 on Saturday night..
1. Was it fun? sure, why not?
Loove you, guyys.