If you're tracking your cycle (temp, mucus and cervix), you should be able to time for a boy (abstain a couple of days before ovulation and do it on the day) and combine that with your diet to really skew the chances. The boy diet is a lot more balanced than the girl's although you'll have to google the details - other than meat, I can't remember what's on it, since we used it for a girl. No guarantees but it significantly stacks the odds in your favour. Of course, the wee one may have other ideas - there are two of you i the equation!
Home births are fab and beautiful. Fingers crossed it works out for you.
I don't know the first thing about tracking, to be honest, which is why I'm eager for the book! I hadn't even thought you could influence it either way. I will definitely have to look into that! What should I google, exactly? Is there a name for the method or anything?
Thanks so very much! I'm really, really hoping it will all work out.
No name (apart from people trying to sell you unnecessary stuff!) - just google natural fertility and/or boy diet. It's all quite straightforward - we used cycle tracking both to conceive and not to conceive and I didn't bother checking my cervix (it moves over the month), but I did keep an eye on mucus (it's like egg white when you're fertile) and charted my temp, although the latter is a faff because you have to do it first thing before you even get up and children often distracted me!
Cool, thanks! I'll give it a shot. I always thought the dad was responsible for the sex. We'll both go on a diet! ha! I doubt I could check my cervix either. It seems to be at an odd angle, and even midwives/OBs have trouble finding it. I've never been able to check my IUD strings, which I'm supposed to be able to do. I figure I'll go with temp & discharge, though that's just from my basic knowledge. I look forward to learning more. I'm not sure if I should start before I get the IUD out, or wait to see what my cycle is like afterward.
Men's sperm dictates the sex but mom's acidity (and some other vaginal and uteran factors) influence which sperm get to the egg at all. X bearing sperm (girl sperm) live longer and can survive in high acid environments whereas Y bearing sperm (boy sperm) swim faster, die sooner and need a less acidic environment. Your diet could have an impact on the acidity of your vagina and uterus and thus on which sperm get to the egg.
Hm, I guess I must be acidic. lol I'll definitely do everything I can to swing our chances towards getting a boy! So far my reading has suggested higher calories, more potassium, and eating cereal in the mornings.
Home births are fab and beautiful. Fingers crossed it works out for you.
Thanks so very much! I'm really, really hoping it will all work out.
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