Ooooh, Shiny New Tag!

Aug 31, 2010 00:50

I'd like to give a hearty huzzah and woot woot to my shiny new tag, TTC! For those who don't know, TTC stands for "Trying to Conceive".

I may be jumping the gun only slightly, but I'm super excited and so here is my first TTC post!

After over a month of nearly fruitless searching, we have finally been given the name and email address of a semi-local midwife! This was the big step we'd been waiting for! I still have my IUD, but if this midwife works out, then we will get it removed and begin the process of actually TTC. In fact, Josh told me last night after we confirmed an appointment for the midwife that we should go ahead and consider ourselves TTC, since it's all starting to fall into place, even if we're not actively trying yet. That was one of the most romantic things that man's ever said to me!

It is our fervent goal to have a homebirth this time around. I have awesome births, we finally have a beautiful home that I would feel comfortable birthing in, and we want the whole family to be involved in the birth. I am so very excited at the prospect! I've never gotten to doula at a homebirth, either, so this would be my first experience. Josh and I have been having some really good discussions lately, and we're both on pretty much the same page. (Oh sure, I want like 10 more kids and he'd be happy with just one, but we'll work that out...) So this midwife has responded, she does annual care in addition to prenatal care, is very excited and experienced with homebirth, comfortable with IUDs and their removal, and will be driving all the way out to our place Wednesday morning to meet with us and see if we're all a good fit together. She seems really sweet and is the ONLY one we've been able to find even remotely near us, so I really hope so. I'm eager to get going!

Josh and I are still discussing our timeline. As long as we can find a midwife that we feel comfortable with, Josh is set to get started. He wants goats &/or sheep first, and I kind of feel like we should make the long drive out to see Tina's new house in Wilmington before we invest in any more animals, so we're contemplating another trip to NC sooner than we'd anticipated. The IUD has really played havoc with my cycles, so I kind of want to get it removed and chart my cycles for a couple of months to get a feel for what my natural cycle would be like. I have a copper, not a hormonal, so my periods have been very wonky since getting the IUD after Ivy was born. I went from like a 4 day light cycle to an 8 day, heavy period, often twice a month (seeing as how they last so long). I'm really hoping that removing it will take me back to a light 3-4 day period. I am much older now, so I know the body does go through changes. But that's part of why I'd like a few trial months before we actually start "trying".

For someone so interested in birth, I really know very little about my personal cycle or natural family planning. After the IUD, my dates are all off and sometimes move around, so I really only know when to expect my period because the internet sends me a little email when it's coming up (thanks to whichever friend suggested years ago!). Back as a teen/in my early 20s, I was like clockwork and never late. Now, I'm not so sure or comfortable of my cycle anymore. It's time to relearn. I don't know when I'm ovulating. Last night I ordered this book and am eagerly looking forward to its arrival and learning all sorts of wonderful baby-making information.

I have never had the luxury of planning a child. Both of our girls were unexpected and were in fact conceived while we were on various types of birth control (the pill and condoms, respectively). It seems that I am a very fertile person *knocks wood*, so I'm hoping that it happens so easily once we're finally ready and willing to try. I especially want a son, and I've been putting that goal out into the Universe for a long time. I've dreamt of my son. I hope he's still waiting after so long. I'll admit, I've been majorly stressing over it since a friend of mine told me that she felt I would always have girls. I've probably been stressing over it way too much. But still, I want my son and plan to try until I have him! I'm excited about the idea, and while I'll love any baby that comes, I would appreciate any boy-thoughts that anyone wants to send our way. This is something I've waited a long time for, and I'm so very glad that we're now in a position to consciously welcome our next baby.

Soon. Very soon.

ttc, birth, goals, 101, life

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