My First Baby Dragon

Jan 03, 2009 22:08

I was honored to doula my very first dragon birth today. I arrived in the evening at the mother's home, for she planned a home water birth. It went much faster than I expected. I gave her a little good Reiki energy, because I hear sometimes these dragon births just don't work out. Luckily, it all worked out perfectly. With a mighty roar, a hip wiggle, and a couple splashes, Anat was blessed with two beautiful little eggs.

This is the one I kept.

This was the one some other lucky bloke got.

katrina_elissa helped me name her. Her eggs are on the verge of death, so will you do us a favor and click those too?

And of course, please feel free to post yours here if you need extra clickies.

The scroll

dragons, birth, parenting, doula

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