An Interview from Intrepidrayne

Jul 30, 2007 12:06

1. Could you explain how you attuned your family? or what precisely that is. I know very little about that and I'd like to know more.

2. How would you 'attune' your dog and how would you know it worked?

3. Do you believe in reincarnation or an afterlife?

4. What made you decide to become a doula?

5. What is your favorite season? and why?

1. Could you explain how you attuned your family? or what precisely that is. I know very little about that and I'd like to know more.

Well, I am not at liberty to fully divulge the attunement process outside of Reiki III classes. However, I think (hope?) I can answer your question well enough.

A reiki attunement is the process that creates a reiki healer. A Reiki Master, someone who has been attuned to all three levels, gives the student an attunement which then opens the student as a reiki channel. An attunement provides a powerful healing and helps cleanse the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It basically works to help align you with your life path, and thus can have different results or after-effects for different people. A physical detox is common, as is strengthening of psychic and intuitive powers.

Attunements can also differ by reiki tradition. All attunements involve the Reiki Master placing sacred reiki symbols into the student's aura and body. It is usually done with the student sitting in a chair and the Reiki Master standing, as she works with both the front and back. Breathwork and advanced energy techniques are also involved. In Medicine Reiki, we provide one attunement per reiki level and a Medicine Hoop is also given to the student, which helps with healing and to align the student with medicine energies.

2. How would you 'attune' your dog and how would you know it worked?

I would attune her the same way I attune a human, only I'd skip the class. I imagine I'd have to improvise when it came time to place the symbols into her paws, but otherwise I would do it the same way. I wouldn't attune her if she didn't want it, although I think she probably does. She always comes up nuzzling when we do reiki, and I know she likes the energy. It would provide a powerful healing, and I think she would enjoy the new dimension to our bond (Medicine Reiki does not 'cut the tie' between Reiki Master and student like most other modalities do).

As for how would I know if it worked - well, this might sound pompous but it would never occur to me that it wouldn't. I did not offer attunements until my confidence level would allow it, and I'm adept enough with energy now and reiki in particular that I can feel it as it's happening. Actually, I feel it just thinking or speaking about it happening. It's really like the reiki is just itching to jump out of my hands and be shared, and I have complete faith in the process.

3. Do you believe in reincarnation or an afterlife?

Both. I don't believe in hell, which sometimes gets me some flack from my Christian brethren. I believe in God, and that we all came from God, and that we will all eventually return to God. I don't so much believe in the conventional 'heaven', of clouds and harps and all that. I believe that we all come to earth with a certain soul purpose, and when we die, we are the ones who judge our life and decide our next move. That could be coming back to earth life, or possibly life elsewhere (I am not so vain to think we are the only 'intelligent life' in all existence), or perhaps we'll take a turn as soul guides (guardian angels), or maybe we'll be some sort of teacher to other souls on their journeys...or any number of possibilities I can barely catch a glimpse of. Bodhisattvas, people like Buddha and Kwan Yin, choose to be reborn again and again until everyone is freed from their karmic bonds. This is also a valid option, although I still have too much human ego to take bodhisattva vows, myself. Maybe one day.

4. What made you decide to become a doula?

I actually did a whole post on this long ago! Why Am I a Doula? Since I actually get asked this a lot, I have added this link to my little sidebar on my journal. Eventually I'm going to figure out how to personalize the whole thing. :) Anyway, I've also added What is Reiki? and Best Birthy Books.

5. What is your favorite season? and why?

Probably spring, because I'm a fan of milder weather and I love all the green and budding that goes on. I smile every time the dogwoods and daffodils bloom. New life is wonderful to watch in action. We have a bird's nest in our bathroom window that they use every now and then. The first year, when Eden was maybe 2, we watched the birds take care of their babies. Nothing's really better than those kinds of experiences.

teaching, achaiah, family, memes, me, reiki, parenting, doula

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