Oct 10, 2004 07:36
Finally the exam week is over. I had three exams last week, and now... the hectic week is over.
Last night I watched Disney's Lion King in Opera House. It is a broadway musical show, and I had bought the ticket since February. Well, I like it a lot. And I can say that I like it better than the Varekai, a circus by Cirque de Soleil that I watched last August. However, I love both of them. I bought the Simba and Timon bags yesterday. They are designed with the costumes they used in the musical show.
I really enjoyed my time yesterday, and I plan to watched Beauty And The Beast on December, and Swan Lake Ballet on April. Well, I think I have to start saving some money for that ballet and musical show. My friend also ask me if I want to watch Panthom of the Opera. I heard it is good. I also want to see Miss Saigon. I have been interested with it since I visited New York three years ago. However, my friend said that they are no longer showing Miss Saigon, so... I need to wait til they perform it again.
Those are the opera's stories, and now I need to get ready for grocery shops. :)
-E. Agustina-