What a week!

Mar 20, 2010 10:34

It has been one busy week for me.  In addition to helping my mom at the daycare there were happening a lot of other events and activities.

On Monday in the evening I had board meeting at Harmony Theater.  At first they had show of 3 short plays for which kids wrote scripts themselves, created decorations and acted out.  They even wrote an original song for one of the plays and recorded it!

It was amazing

considering their age and knowing some of them!  It was wonderful to see the kids that I knew as shy and afraid to talk.  Here they were playing main roles speaking loud and confident in front of the audience.

I am a member of the board and was also taking notes.  There were a lot of parents present at the meeting and it was a great meeting with great ideas about what to do next to get more students.  The goal of the theater is not to expend a lot.  The main benefit of this theater is the fact that it is small and accepts all kids without auditions.  There were American parents and Russian parents.  They all praised Lena’s and Jeremy’s work in transforming their children from shy to self confident actors, artists and individuals.

Now, I need to find quite time to type up the notes from the meeting.

On Tuesday, in the evening, I waited for people to come over my parents’ house to look at Yulka’s car (it was for sale).  They came and spent about an hour looking at it and taking it for a ride.  After I got home I was on autopilot and tried to do laundry and clean up house a little bit.

On Wednesday, in the evening we had our Torah study.  It was an interesting chapter with interesting conclusions and deep meanings.  We were reading chapter 35.

On Thursday, we sold Yulka’s car and had to meet with friends in regards to our project that should come alive in April.

On Friday, we had to pick my car from the mechanic.  It appears that it needs a replacement of some air sensor.  After that mechanic we took it to another mechanic to install the sensor that Boris ordered in the morning.  The car is drivable, only it moves very slowly.  It wouldn’t go faster then 45 MPH and it takes about 2 minutes to get to 45MPH.  I had to turn alarm lights, so other cars behind me would pass me by.

I hope that sensor will fix the problem and I will have the wheels again and free to move around as I need to.  It also would be a time to get a new car.

Also, finally we are going to close on our house refinancing next Friday.  They have been dragging it since December.  Boris was negotiating with our mortgage company this whole week and they finally agreed to drop almost a $1000 off from the closing cost.

Maybe we should go to the car dealership on the day of closing as we did in 2001 when we bought our first house and this car.

We sold Yulka’s car at the most inconvenient for us time.  That is OK.  Everything is happening for a reason.

my life

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