Day 5 at the daycare, sigh of relief....

Mar 20, 2010 00:39

Today, was the last day of this long week at the daycare.  I would also say that this week had a lot more events in addition to little cute people with a lot of energy and not much social skills and self control.  I will write separately about those other happenings.

Today was again as difficult day as it was on Monday for some reason.  Kids were very cranky and we ended up not even doing morning exercises because they all were fighting with one another and I just had to get them off of each other, take away toys or chairs that they were fighting over and keep the troublemaker away.  Some kids were just getting irritated by the fact that the troublemaker would look at them.

I even feel sorry for the troublemaker (3 yr old).  There are good intentions in the person, but no control of physical power.  The troublemaker is very helpful and pays attention when someone needs help.  However, the help that is provided is usually over the limit.  For example, my Michelle (14 months old) was crying, the troublemaker got her pacifier and really hard pushed it in her mouth that she started crying even louder.  Or another example, when the troublemaker wants to hug kids starting very gently and then ending up squeezing very hard or pinching or biting.

I had to be on the guard all the time making sure that no one would get hurt.  I kept him near by and constantly praised for good behavior.  If the choice was to misbehave, I would give choice to stop or go to the corner for time out after counting to 3.  That actually worked very well with all kids.  Of course they were choosing to stop and no one actually got in time out today.

After they stopped fighting and getting upset I tried to keep them busy with letters, books and puzzles, cartoon about ABCs.  The weather was not good for outside play.  It was very cold.  So, I guess the weather was another reason for crazy day inside.

The time went by pretty fast though.  It was busy busy busy, run run run, watch out watch out watch out!

parenting, mama & papa, work, my life

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