Our Purim weekend....

Feb 28, 2010 22:25

Happy Purim!

Purim, is time when we read story of Esther, dress up in costumes and celebrate the day that could have turned into a big mourning for Jews but fortunately, the chain of events saved Jewish people that lived in times of Persian empire.

We were invited to several Purim parties.  Out of 3 we partially made it to 2.  On Saturday night we went to Masha’s costume party for adults where we played charade game that focused on Megillat Esther.  It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately we had to leave earlier to pick up Michelle.  I got to know some new people at the party and our team was answering all difficult questions correct.

Almost all men were dressed as kings.  I was a Gypsy.  As I tried to take a picture, my camera suddenly started to vibrate and it could not focus.  Several “Kings” tried to look at my camera and try to fix it, but unfortunately no one could do anything about it. Here are some pics from the party that was taken by Tanya Rodnyansky


I was even thinking that my camera might have gotten frozen because earlier in the day we went skiing and I had it in my pocket.

Also, at the party Volodya told us that my car has problem with transmission.  That is not good!  I was lucky that we did not sell Yulya’s car, so I can drive it now while we figure out what to do with mine.  Well, my car is 9 years old now and I bought it brand new in 2001.  I guess it is time to get a new one.

As we picked up Michelle, Boris’ mom told us that baby is sick.  So, this morning we planned to go to our synagogue in the morning with the kids but because Michelle was cranky and had stuffy nose, I stayed home with her while Boris and Michael went to the Purim party.

To the third party at Masha’s synagogue, we did not make it because Boris went to play soccer and Michelle and I were taking a nap and woke up around 3pm.

In the evening, on Sunday, Michael asked me to make hamantashes and I agreed.  That was  somewhat a mistake because cranky Michelle kept crying and demanding me to hold her, while I had to mix the dough.  I was super irritated and was super happy when Boris came home and helped finish making the triangles.

Hamentashes turned out to be pretty delicious and we ate them with milk while watching the closing ceremony of the Vancouver Olympic games.    

holidays, my life

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