Mar 13, 2006 21:00
Nothing is better than a relaxing weekend in San Diego. As much as I've gotten used to being in Vegas, it doesn't compare to the comforts of home. A sense of relaxation takes over and I feel like a kid again, like the old me. Being in Vegas has forced me to grow up in a sense with me having to look after myself and pay my own way. I have a career here now so with the move came added responsibilities and a necessary change in some of my ways. As soon as I set foot home, those new ways take a backseat to the inner child in me and I feel more alive. I feel tired. I felt a little too tired during the drive home yesterday, more than usual. If it wasn't for Irene calling I might have zoned out a lot longer or more than I did. I always feel tired now, it's not like it's a new thing I'm feeling. I thought about it a little today and I decided that it might have to do with my lack of nutrition. I don't eat like I'm supposed to. No breakfast. One big lunch. Maybe cereal or a sandwich for dinner. I play a lot of basketball, lift weights, and expend a lot of energy and I don't eat. Lost about 10 pounds in less than 2 months. Is that healthy?
I definitely made up for eating over the weekend. The BBQ on Saturday at Nick & Paul's house was great. More people than I thought were going to be there showed up. Miguel, Ricky, Michelle, Irene, Nick, Paul, Margie, Tina, Sam, their kids, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Brittany, a couple of Nick's friends, and of course myself were all there. Lots of good food and great people, couldn't ask for more. Ended up watching the MWC Championship game at home with Ricky and Miguel. SDSU won and are in the dance! Ended up as an 11-seed matched up against Indiana University. Thursday, it's on.
Sunday we BBQed at my house. I shouldn't say me because I didn't BBQ, but there was a BBQ at my house. More great food and great people. Even got some gifts! Thanks to everyone who got me gifts. I didn't want to go home Sunday. Everyone was hanging out relaxing and then it came time to get my stuff ready to go. I kept putting it off and finally at about 6:30 I had to go before it got too late. I ate so much food that I ended up feeling tired and drowsy only 40 minutes in to the drive back to Vegas. And then my phone rang and it was Irene calling to make sure I got home safely. Way to read my mind! Talked about this, that, serious, stupid, you name it. 3 hours later my phone died but I was only a few miles out. Got home safely. Thanks Irene for keeping me awake and making my drive a more pleasant and quick one! That was very sweet of you! So here I am in Vegas now waiting for the "guys" to show up in a few days for tournament time. I'm going to try and fly in to San Diego one more time this month before I start the academy. Hopefully I can find some cheap airfare.
Got to serve a guy in jail today on my own. I was nervous but I knew I had to get it done. I was the only spanish speaker in the building so it was either me or no one. It's interesting how much a person can change from one second to the next based on comfort level. The guy I talked to was just sitting in the chair with his head down not saying much, even while I started talking to him. Like he was ashamed or maybe scared. Then I told him that my family is from Mexico too and I started going through the paperwork and answering questions, and he started talking more. He thanked me for making him feel more at ease during the visit. I gave him some advice on what he should do and what to expect with his upcoming trial. I felt pretty good after that; like I made at least one of his doubts go away. It's not my job to do that and I wasn't trying to do it, but I'm glad I came out feeling that way. I was proud of myself for taking this and doing it on my own even though another officer offered to come along and walk me through it in case I forgot what to do. Just another learning experience to keep in mind.