WARNING: if you think the spoiler is the greatest thing since sliced bread, do NOT read this. Because i DON'T and this is not a happy post.
Bela: 20-30, Beautiful and sexy, she's a woman without a conscience. A mercenary in the supernatual world. She is cocky, confident, mercurial and very funny. Actress must possess physical prowess, pless submit all ethnicities, SERIES REGULAR
Ruby: 20-late20's, Beautiful and sexy, mysterious and quiet. She's an enigmatic demon hunter. She is a most brutual, ruthless hunter; in fact she is a better hunter than Sam and Dean. SERIES REGULAR
Seriously. I can't believe we have to go through this shit AGAIN. This was posted by this DSinLA person over on the TWOP boards who, according to everyone there is never wrong. But I was still willing to chalk it up as a rumor, until Jim Beaver (Bobby) confirmed it, and Ausiello had it in his column and he's damn reliable.
PISSED OFF doesn't even begin to come close to what I'm feeling. It was bad enough going through this with Jo last season, but at least she and Ellen were described as "recurring characters" but did you see the description for Bela and Ruby (what kind of stupid names are those anyway??) - SERIES REGULAR. As in "hop in the back of the Impala, girls, 'cause we'll be traveling together all season". Because, really, if they're not traveling together, how would these girls show up constantly to be "regular" characters? Everytime Sam and Dean show up on a hunt these two just happen show up as well? Yeah, that's about as plausable as Sam and Dean constantly traveling to the Roadhouse.
Oh, and love the fact that Ruby is a better hunter than Sam and Dean. Of COURSE she is!
WHY, ERIC?? Didn't your failed attempt with Jo tell you anything?? The majority of your fan base does NOT WANT this type of character hanging around Sam and Dean.
And I don't believe for one instant that Kripke is doing this to add male viewers to the show, 'cause guess what? The show already HAS what attracts men to it - guns, monsters and things get set on fire on a regular basis.
The fact that they're women isn't my biggest complaint (These characters could be MEN and I'd still be upset), though I will admit it is part of it. My biggest complaint is that I started watching SPN for SamandDean, and Eric seems determined to mess with the success of that formula and for the life of me I can't understand WHY. Are you tired of SPN, Eric? Are you sabotaging it on purpose? Because if these characters become series regulars you will have done just that. I will seriously be through with this show. It will sadden me beyond belief, but it will no longer be the show that I loved, so why bother torturing myself? If I wanted to watch a show with two female regulars who are demon hunters I'd go watch Buffy. But guess what? I've never watched Buffy and never will.
Yes, I understand that with Jensen and Jared being the only lead characters on the show it puts a heavy burden on them. But on the other hand, they knew going into this that it'd be like that.
So let's get back to the lovely descriptions of Bela and Ruby - gosh, now we've got TWO Mary Sue's in our midst! Let's not forget that they're both "beautiful and sexy" but notice that we're careful not to say "love interest" this time around. PLEASE. Do you honestly think that with descriptions like that AND these girls being regular characters that Dean especially won't be banging one, if not both of them? Or that Sam won't instantly bond with one of them and start a relationship? If they're regular characters they'll be around A LOT so the potential for a relationship to start up is way higher than it was with Jo. Gosh, something else to look forward to!
I've seen the "have faith in Eric" posts regarding this, but I'm tired of having faith in Eric! Why do we keep having to go through this trial and error crap, ruining episode upon episode until things get fixed back to the way they were? Just KEEP THEM they way they were to begin with!
Our ratings are bad enough without more meddling in the formula of the show. We ended second season on the lowest note possible, and with this news starting to alienate the majority of the fandom, who's going to tune in for the start of season three?
All of this depresses me tremendously. I honestly don't want to see the start of season 3. I want to go back and live in season 1, where it was Sam and Dean and John doing their thing. And I was really looking forward to third season, what with the clock ticking for Dean and all.
But now? It's three months of being upset and depressed. Gosh, something to look forward to, eh?
If anyone's interested, here are the addresses to write and express your displeasure. I did last summer when Jo and Ellen and the Roadhouse was announced and now I'll be writing again.
Dawn Ostroff
President of Entertainment
The CW Television Network
4000 Warner Boulevard, Bldg 168
Burbank, CA 91522-0002
Eric Kripke
9465 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 880
Beverly Hills, California 90212
The CW, Viewer Comments
3300 West Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505
Dawn Ostroff
President of Entertainment
The CW Network
411 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, California 91505