You have the right to remain silent...

Apr 14, 2009 17:20

Why is it that people seem to feel it is dishonest to withhold personal information. I've had a few people recently that have been down right offended that they weren't given access to personal information about me. They claimed it was dishonest of me or unethical to withhold such information.

Honesty, is closely tied to trust. As a level of trust grows, more information about a person is entrusted to another in a relationship. Weather that be a friendship, or a romantic relationship or otherwise. One hasn't any right to someone else's personal information. If I followed that logic then I should be upset that the people I know don't give me the pin number to their ATM card.

The withholding of information can be considered a lie of omission in some instances but I think that personal information is an exception to the rule. Personal information is shared on a need to know basis, based on a level of trust.

Access is "allowed" NOT "entitled to". No matter how well you think you know someone you only know them that well because they have "allowed" you to know them that well. Be thankful they have let you get that close to them, because it is their right to remain silent.
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