On the tea party...

Aug 31, 2010 10:10

I actually have a ton of work that I should be doing but the inspiration to post strikes me so seldom these days that I'd better act while the mood is upon me. This all came about as the result of a conversation between myself and my cousin, Bill, about the Glenn Beck rally. Bill is what I consider to be a redneck Republican: ie, he's a Republican because they know what's right for God and country. I personally think the party is better served without these attitudes but there you have it.

My cousin was in shock that I'm not a tea party member. I explained to him that my views on the tea party were much the same as my views on candidate Obama, just from the opposite side of the spectrum: they make pretty speeches, firing people up by saying what the crowd wants to hear, but offer no actual solutions to the problems they point out. Constant criticism of the controlling party with no clear or defined plans to make things better sounds a lot like the Obama campaign to me. Anyone remember this gem: "You've had 8 years of the other guys. Why not give us a chance now? What have you got to lose?" And Glenn Beck? He's an entertainer, nothing more.

At this point I am seriously left wanting on politics in general. There is absolutely no one on either side who shows the necessary leadership skills worthy of leading America back to its former greatness. The truly sad part is that I actually see Americans moving abroad for better opportunities. As a former great American once said, "the business of America is business." With all due respect, Washington, get your collective head out of your ass while we still have time. Constant whining and finger pointing solves nothing...
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