Oct 31, 2013 14:54
WooOooOo Halloween, the first of many ED-unfriendly holidays of the coming months.....seriously fuck candy, I'm so happy everyone in my family is older and my dad is like "fuck the kids no candy for anyone", so there's no bullshit in either of my parent's houses.
I'm updating today from my boyfriend's place, he is at work and I've just been kinda hanging out in his room since he left. I woke up at like 11, talked to his mom for awhile, showered, came back upstairs....kind of awkward since we've only been seeing each other for just under 2 months but whatever, he said it's alright and his mom isn't blatantly like 'go away ur weird' so it's been chill so far. He was supposed to come stay the night at my place last night, and instead ended up kidnapping me to his place. It fucKin blows not having my car, I'm like kind of stuck out here until he decides to take me back but that's ok, I like being with him.
Speaking of my car, I finally heard from the garage today. It's gonna be $200 to fix my car, and after my normal garage was like 'there's 4 engine codes on, this is above our heads, take it somewhere else' I assumed that meant 'lol ur fucked, ur car is beat and so are u". So I was expecting like $2k in repairs, and hearing TWO HUNDRED made me want to break into a happy dance. And that's including the inspection, I am fuckin stoked, it's so cheap I didn't have to check with my dad before getting it done and now my car will be ready tomorrow at some point! Yaaaay!!!
(On the inside, I was almost secretly hoping that my car WOULD be beat so that I didn't have to bring homegirl on d runs anymore, but oh well, she knows I'm gearing up for a drug test so I have to stop at some point anyway.) &speaking of drug tests, I've been clean from weed for a whole 8 days! Go me. But because weed isn't crack, I can hang out with people who are smoking it and not crave it, so no big deal.
I am soo fucking hungry right now, I've been doing pretty good eating lately, I'm down to 171-72 right now, which isn't all too impressive considering that's only 4 pounds all month. But it's better than nothing. No excuses November comin up tomorrow. Back to work, back to exercising since my ankle is pretty much healed up, and continuing eating even better than I have been.
Yesterday I'm not even too sure of what I really ate. Cheerios, coffee, and Matt took me out to dinner at Denny's where I ate most of a bowl of soup and most of half a sandwich. Oh and 2 chicken tenders. I'm super happy I haven't been eating a lot, I can remember pretty much my intake from this whole week but I won't bore you guys with a list of that. I've been WAY better at measuring my food lately as well.
Ok well that's it for now, hope everyone stays strong today. I have a Halloween party to get through tonight myself so thin thoughts<3
Love&Light xox