Talkitive? Not really...

Oct 11, 2007 23:05

...but that won't stop me!!

Pretty slow day today- I slept in till noon despite my grandiose notions of service. I spent most of the day studying. Thanks to the funk I've been in, I missed studying for a few meetings last week. I'll catch the rest up probably Sunday or so. Sometime soon.

I enjoy writing here more about what I'm thinking, rather than what I did a certain day. It's also more entertaining for me to read that way. So in that vein, I've just been thinking about how I'm going to go about getting stronger spiritually. I'm already miles ahead of where I've been in times past, but that's not good enough. I think I'll start by selling the 360 and the DS. I never play the DS, so that's money just sitting there. The 360 has the potential to be a big time-stealer, and it's worth quite a bit. So that's a good step.

Other than that, I'm not sure what else to get rid of. I don't have much, fortunately. I think from there on it's all mental. And I've taken huge strides in that area recently. Something has clicked inside my head for some reason. Not sure what's up, but I like it. I'm more focused and find it easier to think about service and other such things. I like studying again. Maybe that whole "delete journals en-masse" thing was a good idea after all. It certainly didn't hurt.

I got service in the morning, so I'm gonna hit the sack. I'll check in tomorrow. Peace.
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