
Oct 26, 2011 11:28

Hey everyone, I was gone for a long time! Sorry for falling off teh face of teh earth. I had a really hard summer, which I will sum up here.

So at the end of June my niece was bitten by a pittbull(her grandparents that stupidly would not get rid of the dog.) She had her lip bitten of and spent about 6 weeks in the hospital most of teh time being in a medically induced coma.
She's my younger brother's daughter and this was the hardest thing I think he ever had to go through and it was horrible to have to sit there and as he went through it.
It was a really bad experience that I NEVER want to go through again. It just put me in this really bad place. I ended up failing all of my classes for that semester and quitting my job. I could not force myself to do anything but just sit there.
And on top of the bad situation it was period, her bio dad was stirring up all kinds of trouble. He had called the police on my brother while we were all in the hospital. He was trying to get my brother charged with neglect(which was completely false obviously) He went to the news even and went on camera with this completely bogus story that he came up with as to why my brother was being neglect. He tried to say that he left his daughter alone for 45 minutes after she was attacked. This went really hard on my brother he kept saying he was the most hated person in the area he lived in because of it.
It's the first time I legimattely wanted to kill someone. I don't think I have ever had more hatred for anyone then I had for him.
She's out of teh hospital now, but things are still really rough.

So I'm finally dragging myself back online for the sake of NaNoWriMo that is coming up in 5 days! Hopefully I can get my stuff together to be able to do well and have fun during it.

Sorry again for being gone for so long. I will be on a lot more now and updating with everythign else going on and NaNoWriMo of course!

nanowrimo, real life, random

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