The Killing Season Finale

Jun 19, 2011 21:52

 The finale was so intense. I was not expecting anything less, but it was a surprise still the same. 
I really didn't think it was the soon to be mayor guy, although he is obviously guilty of something. He was still soliciting in the services and threatening those women and having all of those affairs with women who looked exactly like Rosie. And he was not where he said he was that night and the girlfriend is pretty convinced he is guilty too, so....
But I can't believe the detective guy. I have always thought somethng was up with him the whole time. He acted shady. But I really did not think he had anything to do with it. I think though if I rewatch the season, I will see the clues. i mean, they did leave clues for Boyco and the teacher guy. I bet there are clues for these two guys too. 
And I really not on the same page as Mitch. At all. She is....just acting so stupid. She is acting like she is the only one who lost Rosie. Like she is the only one hurting and feeling guilty. I mean, I get it. She's the mother, so she has different ties to Rosie and all of that...but still. I can't believe the way that she is acting.

Anyway...I can't wait until next season.

and also....Boy Meets World is on DVD now. All seasons. I have to buy those as soon as possible. They are cheap on Amazon. So I might get those soon. I loved that show so much when I was a kid. 

show, finale, recap, boy meets world

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