As I concern myself with matters of dire circumstance like my upcoming exam in personality theories, less important issues are popping up around the globe like for example Michael Phelps and Usian Bolt breaking records in China, airplanes are crashing in Spain, and least importantly, wars raging on in Georgia. I for the record thought that Georgia was home to rednecks and a classic Ray Charles song.
Cynicism aside however, Georgia if you read a little about it is a beautiful country with warm kind and friendly people who's lives are being destroyed for the power struggle of Putin (or his puppets) and Russia who seemed to forget that the Soviet Union is no longer. I feel so foolish to have believed that emperialism was dead, but it seems to be like the phoenix rising from its own ashes time and again, every time in a different place around the world. And so, another war, another struggle, in a few weeks it will be over and we will go back to talking about who broke up with who- John Mayer or Jennifer Aniston? And the people? Well they'll be left homeless, starving, picking up the wreckage that is what used to be of their simple and yet happy life.
A volunteer organization I recently joined was approached by the Georgian ambassador of Israel, pleeing for assistance, for relief. Relief is a funny word. It seems Western countries supply food and medicine, but the only relief is on their conscience and not in the refugees' life. An attempt is being made to send doctors and psychatrists to Georgia, followed in the future by efforts to rebuild and salvage what is left of their fractured beings both economically, physically and emotionally. However we have come across a block in the road in the form of a big dollar sign. People don't really care about Georgia. I understand. They didn't care much about Burma before that, or Yugoslavia way before that, or Rwanda or even the Jews in World War II. People don't change, only the location does.
There is an element of politics that is the big bad Bush against the big Russian bear, but all that diminishes in light of the citizens of Guri or Tibilisi. I don't post much, and when I do it's mostly meaningless rambles of more important significance such as my nonexistant love life or the last episode of Lost, but I decided to post this because I thought for a split second of dementia that it may make a difference. It seems on most days at least some if not all of my friends are somewhat socially conscious. I won't preach on what one should or should not do. We all have our problems and I'm an Olympic gold medalist at burrying my head in the sand that is my world. Still, if you do feel the need to do something do contact me, or go straight to the source - (there is currently no information on the site for the Georgian mission, simply because there is no one to put it on there. How time and money makes the world spin...). We may not stop wars, not even this war, but I'm sure we will not go unnoticed by the people of Georgia.