Feb 19, 2011 00:13
Yesterday I watched Glee's episode Grilled Cheesus, now for all of you who are not obsessed with glee like I am, this episode talks about people beliefs in God.
I also approaches the subject of atheism, a student and a teacher are both atheists.
This episode irked me because of the portrayal of atheist, it wasn't a negative one, but I feel it was... I don't know...flawed and vapid, maybe, can't explain it.
Personally I don't identify myself as an atheist, I don't deny the existence of God, sometimes I think it doesn't exist, sometimes I think that I have no clue... Bottom line, and even though some people have told me it makes no sense, I am not saying God doesn't exist, I just say that I don't believe in it.
Going back to the main topic, I think that what irked me is that both characters were just too cliched for my taste, they gave all the reasons people believe that atheist have to not believe.
The teacher who has a disabled sister and prayed and prayed as a child to make it all better, and one day realized that there was no God. In my opinion, and maybe it is wrong and silly, is that people like that are what I call the angry theists, they actually kind of believe in God, but the can't reconcile their idea of God to their life, so they go, ok there might be a God, but that god sucks. I don't identify with that, I am an agnostic not because a huge tragic event in my life, I am actually very lucky, I have a great family, friends and my life has been awesome. I don't go all.. Well if there is a god, why is there so much pain in the world? That is not my reason to not believe. I actually don't even wonder about that.
The student, well he didn't believe because the idea of god didn't make sense to him... well it has crossed my mind but is not my reason either, I don't think people who believe in god are stupid, delusional, I don't go around saying that they believe in a fairy tale and that they should just accept that there is no god. Because seriously sense is kind of overrated, sciencie is supposed to make sense and the whole universe created itself out of reactions or whatever.. well I don't get that either and I don't think it is false, I just don't get it.
For me it is about something that is beyond consideration and reasoning is out of my control, I simply can't. I can't believe I am physically, biologically unable to believe in God. So following my selfish tradition of thinking just of me, what about me? What about my portrayal? What about the need I have for people to stop believing atheist feel like I described, so whenever I speak up and say I'm an atheist, they won't try to explain to me that there is a reason for pain in the world or that god creating tha universe makes all the sense in the world? Because honestly I don't give a... you know.
The way they showed non believers... it made me feel like they think that we just need to let go of some anger or resentment, or that we just need to allow ourselves to have a little bit more faith.
And well that is just not me, and I am a non believer.